Thank you man! That's awesome, games over here are so overpriced it's borderline insane :P
ratboys' forum posts
Next week a friend of mine is going to America and I'd like to know if DS games are region locked so he could buy some games for me. lol.
Thanks in advance.
PS: I'm European, that's why I'm asking.
I would love to see a Golden Sun game with actual cut-scenes. ZombiesLikeCake
I'll say what I said in the article, I'm fine with companies having a casual side, as long as they make more traditional (i.e not shi*) games as well, like EA, Boom Blox, Madden, Moh are all awesome, their casual games, meh not so much, but I don't care because they are making those games too. But with Ubisoft and most likely Activison (CoD5 on Wii better be freaking good now!) it's pathetic, making complete crap that won't sell, at the end of the day they are lowering the tone of their whole company, Ubisoft used to be to me, makers of the usually great Tom Clancy games, PoP and others. Now they are Ubicrap, makers of Dogz and Paralympic Bratz 2007 or whatever crap they are pumping out these days.bobbetybob
Agreed with the whole post, companies that produce this kind of shovelware (or sh**ware as I kindly like to call it) are just downgrading themselves and even losing some costumers.
Oh and btw, Paralympic Bratz FTW! :P
Well pretty much all DS games cost 50 euro in europe which is about $75 :(Yo-gan
Yup! I was going to get FFIII untill I saw the price tag.
What do you mean does it damage the lense? It's not like its going to break for playing ps1 games or anything.
OK. Thanks!
I asked just to be sure.
Oh yeah guys, one more question.
Does it damage the PS3 lens? Because I'm a bit worried about that too.
Yeah thanks guys!
Oh and btw TheSystemLord, I know that they can't read PS2 games that's why I was asking about the PSOne games.
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