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#1 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

I just got to thinking, a lot of 'folk say that cows hype the darndest thing, in that saying they'd hype a rock if it were to come to ps3. But is this really the truth? Or is the fact that the majority of people here "force a truth" on to the cows saying "oh, the cows hyped X game to AAA" over and over again until it becomes a "truth", when the cows in reality never even cared about the game?

So my question quite blunt is: does lems and sheep hype ps3 games on the behalf of cows just to be able to

claim owange later on?

I'm ofc not saying that cows don't do a lot of stupid things, but that's what fanbois are all about.

So what yer' thought?

*curses the spacing glitch*

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#2 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

You're paying for the service because they can make you pay.

I put in my $50. Millions of others have.

What message does that send to Microsoft?

We don't mind paying for the service.


That is the wrong message to send, though. This will only go to show that people don't mind paying for something that has been free for the past 10 years or however long it has been. Why should people start paying now? This may start a chain reaction where other firms (related to the gaming industry) will start charging money for something that has been and should be free.

Like demos :D

Dunno much about live and such so won't comment on that. But remember that all youlet free be free guysare trying to convince the same group of people who are actually satisfied with MS just tossing on an extended guarantee on the RRoDissue, and not fixing the issue. :P MS got a good grip on these zealots, they've done a job well done :P ;)

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#3 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

Two of my favs:

You are not alone(FFIX)


And the Wild Arms intro


^^those are the first two that come to mind anyways:D

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#4 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

I'd say that other than ffxii those games aren't "true" final fantasys. If you set the same standards on them as the main-games then you've sat yer'selves up for dissapointment. Completly agree on the three though, but I didn't expect anything else tbh :P

As for ffxii I thought it was a step in the right direction, going back to the "caught in a world conflict" kinda setting, and not some"teen-friendly" setting. I'm ofc not saying that ffx is a bad game in anyway, but it's not my favorite.

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#5 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

Dear TC all of your points are either plain wrong, opinion or hypocritic. :) But I'm sure if you try really really hard you'll be able to write something that's not utter brainfarting.

Pip-pip, tally-ho and a nice day to you sir

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#6 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

You can play other MGS games in first person?

Theres over the shoulder camera shooting in other MGS games?

Octocamo is in other MGS games?

Your in a battlefield in other MGS games with the ability to fight for a side or fight for nobody?

MK.22 is in other MGS games?

You can frisk people in other MGS games?

honestly, i could do this ALL DAY


WOW playing in first person so new and innovating. You could shoot in the other games in fp now you can move.

over the shoulder is so re4. Different camera angles are new coats of paint.

octocamo is the same thing as camouflage in mgs 3.

That is a nice touch i have to admit bout the fighting on each side.

Frisking is the same as pointing at their nuts or head and making them dance to drop items.

I can go on All day. Tell me one thing that INNOVATING about mgs 4 besides the graphics and story.

I'm getting seriously sick of people tossing the word innovating around like STDs at the red light district in this forum these days.Why on earth does every bleed'n game have to be innovative? innovation for the sake of innovation is NOT a positive thing.

Why can't a game just be really well made these days, with a lot of fun additions and even though it's been done in stickman-stickyman- sticks from 1968 doesn't mean it's gonna be bad?Stop pulling up crap fromthe atari days just to make stupid point, which really no-one butt he"bois" cares about. Innovation isn't something that's has to be everywhere, every time, all the time... Geeez really people, come on.

*ps:fix the damned opera faults ;)

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#7 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

76. The problems created by Epic's withholding of such enhancements and
optimizations on the dubious grounds of them being "game-specific" became especially
pronounced when such withholding impacted the specific benchmarks known as "Technical
Certification Requirements" (or "TCRs") that every videogame must meet before it can be
played on a particular game console. For example, Microsoft imposes certain TCR's for games
that are to be run on the Xbox 360. One very basic TCR is simply how long it takes the
videogame to start-up. For Silicon Knights, as of May, 2006, the Engine had been unable to
meet even that simple start-up requirement, still taking over twice as long as Microsoft requires
in its Xbox 360 TCRs.

77. Another of Microsoft's TCRs is that the system User Interface ("UI") can be
rendered at least every 66 milliseconds at all times. As of at least as late as May, 2006, it was
clear to Silicon Knights that the Engine and its renderer could not satisfy that TCR.

78. However, when Epic was asked what was being done to bring the Engine into
compliance with these fundamental TCR requirements from the Xbox 360 manufacturer (which
again, Epic warranted to Silicon Knights it would meet), Epic responded that, though it was at
that very time working toward meeting the TCRs in Gears of War, that level of functionality
would not "make it to the engine level, as it is custom to the game."

but wait, there's more

BIA: Hell's Highway - delayed
Bioshock - delayed
Elveon - delayed/cancelled
Fatal inertia - delayed
Huxley- delayed
Mass effect - delayed
MOH - delayed
Stranglehold - delayed
Too human - delayed
Turok - delayed
Frame City Killer - cancelled
Endless Saga - cancelled

im beginning to think because of all of epic's fanboy love, some people really aren't well versed in SK's roots

these are developers who know howto write an actual story


That seems daming to me, if its true.

But which games doesn't get delayed these days anyways?

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#8 raualex
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crap! miyamoto made wii fit :S *sobs* *tries to find a ledge to jump from*
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#9 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts

did he just say miyamoto +new? :O

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#10 raualex
Member since 2004 • 405 Posts
Am I the only one whose getting "tupperware sales party" vibes so far? wii want games ^^