Even if it's campaign that short it doesn't mean its not worth the money, if multiplayer gives you alot of time to play then it's worth it. Honestly tho, it looks like a bad game not worth the time. Graphics are terrible and if you really want to play FPS multiplayer there's COD and if you want story then play RPGs.
Im sure there are plenty of hackers you will occasionally come across. The bigger issue is lag. I still play it every now and then but I'd rather play Black Ops. I'd still buy it tho, your call. The thing is you should've enjoyed it 3 years ago when it was an amazing game.
I never played the first and only played the demo, I didn't like only because it just not my type of game and it was repetitive. Im sure if I actually played it I would enjoy it but I really don't feel like it.
LA noire looks amazing and iw ill be getting it. As for Assassins Creed Brotherhood. The story is amazing and multiplayer is ok. Its fun but gets boring, so its one of those games I just play when im bored of cod. You have to play AC2 b4 Brotherhood, and a better understanding would come from playing or reading about AC1. Also be informed of historical references from renaissance italy as this will increase the enjoyment of this amazing story
ok thats a stupid trophy but who cares, just plat other games then go play it 6 months later, who cares??? Enjoy a game for more thant trophies instad of platting every game on this planet
Veteran was easy, I don't remember what I did? do you suck at this game?????? JK just keep trying, some missions took me ALOT of tries and some took minimal tries
The moderate nat type can make online less enjoyable as you are more prone to frame rate drop and lag. I don't know hat it means but when I get it, most the time turning off ps3 will make it open again, or resetting your internet settings
I play all day everyday, I don't have to play I want to play. If you neglect your health and crap your pants while you play you might be addicted and get some help or if you refuse to go to work or something to play. You like to play video games you like to play video games so what.
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