One day probably about 4 years ago I came home late one night and while making myself some food in the kitchen, I turned on BBC2 and began watching something which I had never heard of. What I saw first was a man screaming "I'M A MONSTER" while looking at his hook for a hand and then proceding to rip the room he was in to shreds using said hook. I laughed and little did I know I would soon be hooked (ho ho) to this show. It was always on very late, mid-week and at random times so it was very difficult to keep up with but when I did see it I was in hysterics! Maybe six months passed and I think I met one other person who knew what it was when i finally found the first 2 seasons on DVD so I bought them right away. I had actually been watching the 2nd series on TV so the entire 1st was new to me and an utter joy and I made pretty much everyone I knew watch it. At first they found it hard to get but after a couple of episodes they had all fallen in love with it.
It just seems that so few people are aware of this epic TV show which is only matched in brilliance by Father Ted! So now I'm doing everything I can to spread the word as there are rumours of an Arrested Development movie coming out which would just be awesome as I just can't stop watching the 3 series over and over again. I constantly have arguments with my girlfriend over who the best character is but the fact is I just can't choose. Whether it's Busters disturbing panic attacks or GOBs failed magic attempts (C'MON!) to George srs just ultimate harshness every character is loveable in their own right.
So everyone who has never seen Arrested Development go out and buy all three series right now and by the end of it you will be saying the same thing, "I made a huge mistake" (thats a joke from the show) NO you will be saying Rozza was right! and cool and smart and stuff. Well at least the first part anyway.
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