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raverrozza Blog

Arrested Development: The Best Show NOT on TV?

One day probably about 4 years ago I came home late one night and while making myself some food in the kitchen, I turned on BBC2 and began watching something which I had never heard of. What I saw first was a man screaming "I'M A MONSTER" while looking at his hook for a hand and then proceding to rip the room he was in to shreds using said hook. I laughed and little did I know I would soon be hooked (ho ho) to this show. It was always on very late, mid-week and at random times so it was very difficult to keep up with but when I did see it I was in hysterics! Maybe six months passed and I think I met one other person who knew what it was when i finally found the first 2 seasons on DVD so I bought them right away. I had actually been watching the 2nd series on TV so the entire 1st was new to me and an utter joy and I made pretty much everyone I knew watch it. At first they found it hard to get but after a couple of episodes they had all fallen in love with it.

It just seems that so few people are aware of this epic TV show which is only matched in brilliance by Father Ted! So now I'm doing everything I can to spread the word as there are rumours of an Arrested Development movie coming out which would just be awesome as I just can't stop watching the 3 series over and over again. I constantly have arguments with my girlfriend over who the best character is but the fact is I just can't choose. Whether it's Busters disturbing panic attacks or GOBs failed magic attempts (C'MON!) to George srs just ultimate harshness every character is loveable in their own right.

So everyone who has never seen Arrested Development go out and buy all three series right now and by the end of it you will be saying the same thing, "I made a huge mistake" (thats a joke from the show) NO you will be saying Rozza was right! and cool and smart and stuff. Well at least the first part anyway.



I finally bought wipeout HD the other day and I had forgotten how awesome wipeout is! What a game! It is so fast and smooth and I had heard it looked good but I thought because Wipeout is so clean and smooth it wouldn't b that impressive but how worng I was. It is gorgeous! And the game is every bit as hard as I remembered! It has been ages since I have played a Wipeout and it took mea while to get used to it (I was liking the walls a little too much!) but I am now getting the hang of it again but like every good difficult game it can certainly frustrate! I have had the game 2 days and have already sworn never to play it again 3 times! HA!

Also I still haven't completed MGS 4. Not because I don't like it but because I was about half way through the story when my PS3 broke so I lost all my save data and for some reason I haven't gotten round to starting a new game with snake. That was until yesterday and everytime I load up MGS4 I am blown away! A truly stunning game! So all is good on my gaming front and with LBP and Fallout 3 out soon I can't see me getting any work done anytime soon!


Wispas Are Back Baby!

Yes my title is correct! The greatest chocolate bar in the world is back!While there was a limited release about a year ago it was just to gauge public reaction and it went pretty well because I bought like a million WISPAS!!!

So now they're back (hopefully for good) and I bought my first 4 last night and slap my arse cheeks and call my brenda but they were better than I remembered! So everyone get out their and buy your wispas and enjoy what real chocolate with bubbles tastes like.( Aeros are rubbish. Only chumps think that "more bubbles" makes a better chocolate bar. Your paying for air you numpty! This isnt Mars! This isn't Total Recall! Our air is free!)

Which unfortunately wispas arent free. They cost me 55p each! EACH!! They are worth it but come on!So lets all rejoice in the come back of a sweety hero!

Are there any others which should make a comeback? Are curly wurlys still available?


Goodness me there are a lot of very exciting games coming out very soon and I am now starting to try and decide which I will buy. Most of the decisions unfortunatly will have to come down to how many games I can afford.

Right around the corner is Baja but I have decided to wither get Baja or Motorstorm:Pacific Rift so I will wait till both are out before I decide. I am very interested in Brothers in Arms but again will wait to read a few reviews.

Next month we have the massive Little Big Planet and save for a tirade of bad reviews which I doubt will appear then this is one of my definate purchases. SOCOM is also appearing in october which I am tempted with and supposedly Ghostbusters is coming out in October (gosh that one snuck up on me) so theres more chances to spend money. Oh and the PS3 version of Bioshock which mr FurryMcTank is very complimentary about so its another definate on my list. Far Cry 2 and Deadspace are 2 which I'm very interested in but they might be 2 to suffer due to lack of cash. Fallout 3 has no such worries which I will definately getting. Nuclear war itself isn't going to stop me!

Then November time has more distractions with Mirrors Edge amd Resistance 2!

All this in the next few months and I'm sure there will be a few more announced for the Christmas period. So Ill be playing the lottery this week, nay I'll be winning the lottery this week to allow me to buy all the games I want!LOL!

Pain Amusement Park

I noticed just yesterday that Pain has finally released the new fun fair level for the PSN game. But 3.49 for a new level? I'm not so sure. Has anyone played it? Is it worth it? Because if thats how much they are going to charge for every future level (if there are any more) I am not too keen.

Plus trophies have at long last been added to Pain although I can't see me getting many of them as since I have lost all my save data I have lost all best performances on Pain. My best score was 2.8million on it. Well I tell a lie that was actually my girlfriends score (she loves the game and would not stop playing it!) Plus the bronze trophy where it says use a female character and exploded her 200 times in fun with explosives or something, what does that mean? It surely could mean just destroy 200 crates cos I have done that several times over and yet have not been awarded a trophy! PFFTTT!

Never Piss On Your Playstation (joke!..maybe)

So I wake up the other day and decide to play some Drake's Fortune only to find when I try to turn on my PS3 it beeps (like normal) the light turns green (like normal). Then things went a little bit wry. The light turns a orangy yellow for a second (eeek) then it beeps at my three times in quick succession (owwwww) then it turned itself off just leaving the red standby light blinking on and off (AHHHH SHAT!!)

So I was now the proud owner of one bust PS3! luckily I was still under warranty so I phoned up Sony UK and got a very friendly and helpfull guy who sorted me out. At first, as an owner of the backwards compatible 60GB model, I was worried I wasn't going to be able to get the same type of SKU back. But Mr.Sony told me that I would get a like for like replacement. (YAY!) So now my next worry. What about my HDD data. I couldn't turn on the console so there was no way I could do a data transfer and the guy on the phone told me I needed to send my console with the HDD still installed. I thought I could go to my friends hous and switch HDDs in his PS3 then do a data transfer but he wasn't too hot the idea not wanting me to break anything and resulting in us needing to get two replacement Playstations!

So there was nothing left to do but to lose all my save data! Some losses hurt more than others, GTA (oh no), GT5(bugger) Oblivion(AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!)

So within 3 days I had my new PS3 and was downloading all my bought content again and getting everything all sorted. It was all sorted out very quickly and very well(apart from loss of data but what can you do)

(I am legally required to write that the next paragraph has no truth in it whatsoever Sony so don't come and beat me up. It is only a joke...)

So how did it break? I got horrendously drunk and came home and pissed all over my ps3...Remember kids drinking is bad! Also remember that bits only a joke sony;)

PSP or DS for Rozza

Hello everyone! This is my first blog entry so rejoice!

As the title suggests I am considering purchasing a handheld console so I have started looking into whether it is Sony or Nintendos offering which will suit me best.

Firstly one of the things I have found most refreshing among handheld owners is a lot less of a fanboyism towards their choice and they often are more than willing to point out what they don't like about their handhelds design etc. which is certainly good to hear.

Right now I am certainly leaning towards the PSP (I would wait for the 3000 version to be released before buying) as I own a PS3 and the connectivity between the two excites me quite a lot! The announcment concerning the ability of being able to put movies onto your PSP from the PS3 sounds amazing although as I am in the UK I will have to wait until we recieve the video service to arrive here (mid 2009?). Also I use skype quite often so having a portable device to use it would be a great benefit. I love the look of the PSP too and every time I use one I am just amazed at the quality of the screen.

As for the DS I am far less aware of any multimedia functions with the device but even though all the stuff mentioned above for the PSP the real defining factor will be the games! I am buying a games console so the games themselves will weigh most heavily in my decison. The problem is as I originally had not planned to buy a handheld most games and reviews have seemed to sail over my head. Of course I am aware of all the brain training and stuff on the DS which I am just not interested in.

So any help from you guys will be much appreciated. Stuff like great games already out or upcoming for either system plus hardware info whether it's other features I am unaware of. Just generally what you as users fell has been good or bad in the ownership of either one. Oh your experiences with battery life (not manufacturers claims) would help loads!

PS also since this was my first blog feel free to criticise it too!:D

Keep 'er lit!
