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Goodness me there are a lot of very exciting games coming out very soon and I am now starting to try and decide which I will buy. Most of the decisions unfortunatly will have to come down to how many games I can afford.

Right around the corner is Baja but I have decided to wither get Baja or Motorstorm:Pacific Rift so I will wait till both are out before I decide. I am very interested in Brothers in Arms but again will wait to read a few reviews.

Next month we have the massive Little Big Planet and save for a tirade of bad reviews which I doubt will appear then this is one of my definate purchases. SOCOM is also appearing in october which I am tempted with and supposedly Ghostbusters is coming out in October (gosh that one snuck up on me) so theres more chances to spend money. Oh and the PS3 version of Bioshock which mr FurryMcTank is very complimentary about so its another definate on my list. Far Cry 2 and Deadspace are 2 which I'm very interested in but they might be 2 to suffer due to lack of cash. Fallout 3 has no such worries which I will definately getting. Nuclear war itself isn't going to stop me!

Then November time has more distractions with Mirrors Edge amd Resistance 2!

All this in the next few months and I'm sure there will be a few more announced for the Christmas period. So Ill be playing the lottery this week, nay I'll be winning the lottery this week to allow me to buy all the games I want!LOL!