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Well i have not been on gamespot for a while anyway considering i got more free time i will be trying to update and fix up my profile a bit. alot of things changed over the year so now i will fly under the TitanSloth banner. now just have to find out how to change my username and im set. for now i made a new blog post about what i thought about the big three so go check it out.

also i made alot more video's from a game i play called airrivals if would like to check it out go over my youtube page


The Big Three e3 Conference Impressions

Well its over Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony just shown what they are heading for in 2009/2010.

Microsoft- I think they were really aggressive this time around really focusing on more of the hardware side of it like more features for 360 dashboard, alot more support for there download media, facebook and twitter. Revealing the new motion camera which at first look from the demo's i thought was gimicky where you get nothing but crappy casual mini games to use it. For example the only few great games on wii that was actual was fun to use and did not feel tacky with the controller is when you play fps games. Like i said the way they shown it has been done before remember the eye toy. Then all of that went out the window when they showed milo. far out if they change the character from a British tea lovin boy to a high tone loli and then sell it in japan. Pretty much there goes Japanese economy.

Nintendo- Pretty much the same as last year cocky, a heavy focus on the casual market. That women, i just dont like her. If she was hot then i can pass off the ignerrant vibe she gives off (you will understand if you watched it). basically just more life stlye games with an added plus in their titles. The Wii motion plus was a bit silly to me considering it proved that the wii was released to early and not trying to perfect the original controller in anyway. It makes you think that the system was incomplete considering now games can implement it properly instead of just using the motion as a button based on movement. The highlight was clearly mario galaxy 2 and the new metroid debuts.

Sony- Huge focus on the PSP with a new version of the portable and more third party support. There line up off games is pretty much the best out of the three with uncharted, ff14 and the last guardian all looking very nice. Mag a 256 multilayer game is just insane , think about sco can hold like what 50 people in one major war which can be intense but going up agaist 128 from the other team is truly something. just like the other 2 they shown there own motion controller...

All in all if they stop messing with this casual motion crap and just focus on great games and features would be great. A part from that the line up for 2010 is going to make a great year to play


My first war

well its been a while but i made a second video of the game i always play. well anyway this is like the title says the first war or raid i have had since spacecowboys closing so i might have gotten a bit rusty. enjoy the video since this is also the first gameplay footage of an A gear for people that never played or used this gear.



Decision (First Rabbid vid)

air rivals

well the first of many is finish and now can be viewed. if you notice the footage is from the early start of the game so dont expect any PVP that you would expect from this game but i think its a nice change from the usual video's of people just playing the game and watching them die. so yeah the footage is mainly from PVE around lv 20 and below, hence the idea in the title.

Please people give feedback on it so i would know what i should do next time and yes the next one will feature lots and lots of pvp or nvn (nation vs nation)



Note:they changed the game title from Flysis to Air Rivals since noone liked the name while it was on closed beta....

Rabbids Setup

Well this where the magic happens 8)


First the TV is a Samsung 40" 1080p LCD connected to my computer, xbox 360 and sound system.

The 360 has 13 games, all in full HD and playing in 5.1 ch.

Sony sound system with the 4 side speakers connected to one corner each, front speaker infront of the TV and the subwoofer under the desk (which can be a problem if i play any fps since i have to shoot in rythm to my heart beat or i could risk irregular heart beats... :P)

"The Titan" (my computer) is a Core2quad 2.4, 4 GB ram ddr2 - 800, 1.3 TB worth of sata2 HDD space, 8600gt 512mb and a 1440 X 900 acer monitor. The computer is also connected to the TV:D

Well thats my setup there is also a bed in here somewhere...

FLYSIS no not crysis...

flysis title

Flysis is a so called "free mmofps". Now me saying its free you would think that the graphics and gameplay is crap.... well your right it is but as a mmo it is the most fun you can get out from that genre without the feeling its like a partime job from reality (well not unless you have to grind to become leet) . Flysis actually came out long ago for international release as "Space Cowboy Online". SCO was released by Gala-Net Inc (the people that released flyff and rappelz ) but lost the rights to run the game on their servers since the creators of SCO (Masang Soft) was bought by the Chinese. Now the International licence has been bought by Gameforge and they are now releasing the game under the name Flysis. I think the name change was due to the fact the old game space cowboy was starting to get a bad reputation since they didn't get any updates for 6 months compared to the other versions of the game in Korea and Vietnam. Not many people would have heard about this game since any advertising or publicity was not made, bad Gala-Net bad. The gameplay in SCO is that you basically dogfight with various gears (Agear = ground tank, Igear = agility runner, Mgear = Buffs and healer, Bgear = bomber) in maps anyone can join. The fights are sepreated into two nations that you would have to stick with (like RFO nation system) and fight the other nation to get the most kills per month to get better benefits for your nation. There is grinding in the game, where you would be gunning down hundreds of mobs to level. Grinding is kinda easy till level 30 and it becomes a pain in the arse when you reach 80 (level cap is 100, good luck since the highest level anyone got in a Korean server is 99). Now Flysis is coming out in a month's time (currently in closed beta) and the game has received huge improvement compared to SCO. The game now features an arena mode which is where you can have even matches with the same number of gears and levels. More maps have been added and better experience and drop rates being implemented. The games gears have been nerfed a bit to make it more balance in a way (play it and you will understand). To my surprise they put in a filter in the graphics menu, which if you messed with it and play around the contrast settings you can create bloom effect in the game. That feature is kinda nice since it blurs and smooths out the crappy graphics in the game. The game is going to be released soon after they finish closed beta in a few weeks, so if you happened to see the games ads that would plague many mmo gamesite don't be afraid to give it a click.

For a video to see what the hell i'm on about check it out Space Cowboy soon to be Flysis

Super Mario Galaxy and the beyond

Super Mario galaxy proved that it didn't need the latest hardware for it to show its amazing visuals and gameplay for a wii game. It made good use of the motion control in fun and interesting gameplay mechanics, which I wonder why no other wii games used it in their so called "mini-game collections" to this quality. The worlds are more like galaxies and are unique and beautiful, taking theme's like you would expect in a platformer and went even further (For example there is water world where a huge river is circling a planet in mid-air). This is Nintendo's third 3d Mario game since the N64 and its more like it set a level in what a platformer should be today, as in how Super Mario 64 showed how transitions from 2d to 3d platformers are done. Super Mario sunshine was more like when a couple enjoyed their first child so much they decided to make another but it didn't turnout what they expected so third time's the charm :P. After playing and finishing the game the first round, I thought to my self how on earth are they are going to top this the next time they get a new console out. I mean if the next one is like this not many people would go crazy over it (like what happen to sunshine). The only way I see how they could top it is by dimensions or something along that line. Where Mario goes into a world where its mainly ice and then hits a switch, teleporting him to the same level replaced by lava or an acid swamp version of the world if he teleports again. Or better yet if they added the portal concept from The Orange Box ("Thaat Waas Fuun") giving him the ability to make portals. That would put a twist in things.