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FLYSIS no not crysis...

flysis title

Flysis is a so called "free mmofps". Now me saying its free you would think that the graphics and gameplay is crap.... well your right it is but as a mmo it is the most fun you can get out from that genre without the feeling its like a partime job from reality (well not unless you have to grind to become leet) . Flysis actually came out long ago for international release as "Space Cowboy Online". SCO was released by Gala-Net Inc (the people that released flyff and rappelz ) but lost the rights to run the game on their servers since the creators of SCO (Masang Soft) was bought by the Chinese. Now the International licence has been bought by Gameforge and they are now releasing the game under the name Flysis. I think the name change was due to the fact the old game space cowboy was starting to get a bad reputation since they didn't get any updates for 6 months compared to the other versions of the game in Korea and Vietnam. Not many people would have heard about this game since any advertising or publicity was not made, bad Gala-Net bad. The gameplay in SCO is that you basically dogfight with various gears (Agear = ground tank, Igear = agility runner, Mgear = Buffs and healer, Bgear = bomber) in maps anyone can join. The fights are sepreated into two nations that you would have to stick with (like RFO nation system) and fight the other nation to get the most kills per month to get better benefits for your nation. There is grinding in the game, where you would be gunning down hundreds of mobs to level. Grinding is kinda easy till level 30 and it becomes a pain in the arse when you reach 80 (level cap is 100, good luck since the highest level anyone got in a Korean server is 99). Now Flysis is coming out in a month's time (currently in closed beta) and the game has received huge improvement compared to SCO. The game now features an arena mode which is where you can have even matches with the same number of gears and levels. More maps have been added and better experience and drop rates being implemented. The games gears have been nerfed a bit to make it more balance in a way (play it and you will understand). To my surprise they put in a filter in the graphics menu, which if you messed with it and play around the contrast settings you can create bloom effect in the game. That feature is kinda nice since it blurs and smooths out the crappy graphics in the game. The game is going to be released soon after they finish closed beta in a few weeks, so if you happened to see the games ads that would plague many mmo gamesite don't be afraid to give it a click.

For a video to see what the hell i'm on about check it out Space Cowboy soon to be Flysis