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Super Mario Galaxy and the beyond

Super Mario galaxy proved that it didn't need the latest hardware for it to show its amazing visuals and gameplay for a wii game. It made good use of the motion control in fun and interesting gameplay mechanics, which I wonder why no other wii games used it in their so called "mini-game collections" to this quality. The worlds are more like galaxies and are unique and beautiful, taking theme's like you would expect in a platformer and went even further (For example there is water world where a huge river is circling a planet in mid-air). This is Nintendo's third 3d Mario game since the N64 and its more like it set a level in what a platformer should be today, as in how Super Mario 64 showed how transitions from 2d to 3d platformers are done. Super Mario sunshine was more like when a couple enjoyed their first child so much they decided to make another but it didn't turnout what they expected so third time's the charm :P. After playing and finishing the game the first round, I thought to my self how on earth are they are going to top this the next time they get a new console out. I mean if the next one is like this not many people would go crazy over it (like what happen to sunshine). The only way I see how they could top it is by dimensions or something along that line. Where Mario goes into a world where its mainly ice and then hits a switch, teleporting him to the same level replaced by lava or an acid swamp version of the world if he teleports again. Or better yet if they added the portal concept from The Orange Box ("Thaat Waas Fuun") giving him the ability to make portals. That would put a twist in things.