I have given into the demons of pure laziness...
I ordered a pre-built PC from ABS, instead of making it on my own.
I'm sort of disappointed in my inability to want to make it myself, but I guess it could be worse.
I grossly checked prices here and there, making sure I got it as cheap as I could, which isn't anything close to cheap in the end -_-. I saved a hefty bit of money though for this computer, and I do use the PC over the edge, for gaming anddd my career, so I thought of it as a sensible investment, although a painful one too.
End price was 5000$ about, which is a lot to me, since I don't have richie parents giving me money past the end of HS. I got to burn my own wallet on this one, but it'll be worth it in the end, some high-high end stuff, bought with scrutiny.
I was an idiot though, delaying its arrival for a week or so. I forgot to call in with ABS to confirm mmy identity. So they froze my order until I did, for my protection though, which I found comendable on thier part since they coulddd just charge and ship without giving a damn if I'm really who I say I am. But yes, I'm a dumb "bastos", and didnt call til 6 days after I ordered, 1 day before they would, cancel the order due to lack of response to the phonecalls/email that I failed to catch... like an idiot.
But w/e it's done now, hurrah.
I prolly could have built the same PC myself for 3600$, but knowing my idiot-face, I would have done SOMETHING wrong, as I always do, and it so wouldn't be worth it, and the parts would not be utilized. I'd feel like a failure, so screw that. Professionals do thier work while I still suck at building PCs. (and the physical stuff might be sh*tty since I'm a gimpola).
But with this goodie, I'll be able to cruise through all my photoshop/marcomedia hobbies, Hi-def dvd obsessions, and eye-boiling gaming needs for a good 3 years at the least. The one I'm, passing down to my sister has served me a great 6 years, it has earned its cost well.
Woo, and I've got BF2, CS:Source, and the beta test of F.E.A.R. to cristen it with. I'm thrilled to be a vg junkie, before going back to college classes this fall, boo.
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