rayjapan's comments

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Edited By rayjapan

I think there are many disadvantages to SSD and it is too bad this article does not mention them. Cost is only one of them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_drive#Disadvantageshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wear-levelling I wouldn't want to keep anything important on a SSD...all those saved games. :-)

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Edited By rayjapan

I'm not in Australia, but a very interesting series of articles to read; thanks Gamespot AU! Ron Curry's comment seems to be focused on the small number of banned games but ignores the fact that Australian publishers have to spend money to create toned down versions. And $2000 AUD for classification? No doubt such a cost is passed down to the consumer. One thing that they touched on briefly was ordering with the Internet is that once you've done it once and have your credit card/address/etc. details stored, it is so easy (with just one-click!) to order another game another day. Or, if you are purchasing this banned game, why not another one since you're paying for shipping already. So yes, I can see how this will affect local Australian sales in the long run.