Hey guys,
Well it's been a long time since I've blogged, but I figured society could handle my brief abstinence while I concentrated a bit more on... well... I wanna say work, but that would be a lie.
Anyway, I hit 6,000 posts this week - yet another milestone for me. In fact, every 1,000 posts will be a milestone until I finally get my 10k post party, at which point I'll refrain from making you guys read stupid posts about insignificant achievements :P.
Also in the news today, I should be level 36 in the next couple of days which is nice. I've been on 35 for what feels like an eternity, and another milestone for me will be level 40. Yep, after almost 6 years as a GS member, it can be confirmed that I'm a bit slow off the mark. It's taken me a long time to get these silly milestones :(.
Yes, the picture is ironic because I'm openly atheist, but it's Friday and it's awesome! Work is nearly finished for me, just another 90 minutes or so to go. I'll be off for some delicious beers soon with some mates and my lovely girlfriend. I love Fridays, and I love long weekends even more. I have a five-day weekend next week due to Easter and the ANZAC (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) Day holiday! SWEET! :D.
Yep, I bought it in January for $60 Australian (which is awesome for a new release - most are about $110 - $120 here!) but I promised my girlfriend I wouldn't open it until I saw her again. We played and finished LBP1 together, so it's kind of "our" thing. So, due to the fact that we have a long-distance relationship, she's back in Melbourne for the first time since early January, which means I finally got to open the game and play it with her. So far it's pretty awesome and I'm lovin' the new tweaks and game modes that Media Molecule threw in!
How have you all been this week? What are your plans for the weekend? I want the goss!
Share an amazing beer with me?