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Top 10 spookiest video game characters/villains

Well, since another great blog-themed activity has begun, I thought I'd partake!

Here are my top 10 spookiest video game villains of all time! Now they're not exactly in a particular order, but they kind of are. Ugh - confusing much!?

10. Necromorphs (Dead Space)

These kings basically stopped me from playing Dead Space. Walking along a creepy, metalic coridoors only to be lept upon by one of these things out of nowhere scared the crap out of me. Also, knowing that I had to dismember them to kill them didn't help... each encounter was a thrilling fright.

9. Zombie (Resident Evil series)

This is where a lot of it started for me. When I was about 10, I started played Resident Evil and was introduced to the world of video game zombies. He might look like he's here to protect and serve, but this groaning, shuffling flesh heap just wants to eat my brains. I've had many a nightmare where I'm running away from RE's walking dead.

8. Adam Crowley (Nightmare Creatures)

Now... if there was one game villain that immediately gave me the creeps, it was Adam Crowley from Nightmare Creatures. Everything about him is just spooky, from the way he crackles and talks, to the way he does bizare experiments on corpses and living things alike.

7. Freaky Nurses (Silent Hill)

These things are freeaaaaky. With their rusted poles and lop-sided walk/shuffle, these broads were probably hot before they turned into.... well whatever they are. If walking through the hospital in Silent Hill wasn't scary enough, having the sound of children and seeing this creepy nurses coming at me was enough to make me freak... a little bit.

6. Alma (F.E.A.R series)

The film The Ring, is one I consider to be really freaky... mainly because nothing scares me more than a psychotic little girl who just stands there looking at you and looks scary as hell in the process. F.E.A.R thought it would be a good idea to add stalking to the mix, which made sure my playthrough was memorable, albeit just because Alma kept the adrenaline pumping... I hate freaky children!

5. Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)

Another villain from Resident Evil, but that's because it was my bread and butter when it came to video game scares. Nemesis, yet another biological weapon created by the Umbrella Corporation in RE 3, was definitely a spooky one for me. His trademark "STARS!" growl still makes me sit uneasy, and walking down a coridoor only to hear the eerie motif that was an umistakable indication that Nemesis was going to pop out somewhere still frightens the crap out of me.

4. Berserker (Gears of War series)

Now these things are both ugly and scary as hell. Berserkers are blind and seek you out by sniffing the air to try and pick up your scent. I always got freaked out when they caught a whiff and went running at pull pace in my general direction. They always get the adrenaline pumping and provide this sense of fear and urgency few other enemies still provide today. Did I also mention they're also bloody ugly!?

3. Mr X. aka. Tyrant T-103 (Resident Evil 2)

My final Resident Evil entry - Mr X. was the first boss in video games to have me scared in anticipation of his appearence. He didn't even need to be on screen and I felt a sense of fear and urgency to get as far away from him as possible. Like Nemesis from RE3, he comes out of nowhere to complete his mission and kill you, the player, in the process. He also bursts through walls, randomly walks through doors, and ensures that he causes a fright in the process. He is silent, and all you have to know he's there is the stead thumping of his heavy footsteps... just hearing them always made me freak a little bit. You could walk in a room, hear no music, and just get a THUMP... THUMP... THUMP... and I KNEW Mr. X was there, ready to scare my pants off!

2. Tank (Left 4 Dead)

The infamous tank from Left 4 Dead is definitely one of the scariest villains for me. As you can probably tell from my list, it's the fear of some huge, ugly monstor, stomping around chasing me that gets the heart beating a bit faster. Again, the sense of urgency to run away from this monstrosity is poignant. Everything from the heavy grunting before he appears, to the musical motif that plays when he stomps his way in our direction, sends players running for the hills. He's big, he's bad, and he's scary! Beware, because he WILL beat you to a pulp.

1. Witch (Left 4 Dead)

The first time I played Left 4 Dead and heard a girl crying, I was frantically looking around trying to see what it was, thinking "omg wtf, that sounds way too creepy". This sexy little vixen sits and weeps, drawing the unknowing survivor sympathetically towards her tormented cries, only to suddenly get angry, growl, and hop up running towards you screaming like a banshee, slashing at her victims face and immediately taking them to the ground. This can be avoided if you turn off your flashlight and walk around her, slowly (while crouched), but to the unsuspecting noob, which I was when I started playing, this crazy b**** made my heart jump in my throat!