Mother Nature **** sometimes
by rayza212 on Comments
I'm finally back online after not having power for five days! New Hampshire just got hit with a really bad ice storm. The upside to this is that I spent the last few days at my cousin's house. He has a generator plus a wood stove so it beat twiddling my thumbs in the cold and dark. While at his house I got to play Call of Duty World At War which I haven't had chance to play yet. I happened to like the multiplayer a bit more than COD4. I never did get to play the singleplayer mode. It's nice to be able to play my DS again. I left it at home by accident *bummer* Thats about it for now. Ill probably post after christmas not that anyone is following my blog. Almost like talking to a wall. Guess I'm not quite popular enough yet. lol. cya Rayza-Ray