Well kinda activity dip and a weird love for system wars has been taking away from me posting in unions :o also im going to see a few bands in the coming months hopefully ;D and supporting some of the local bands round Falkirk woop especially ones from ma town :P
Also got a few gigs coming up yay
Bad Religion (02 abc hopefully i gett a tix)
Bury tomoorrow (2nd time in Ivory blacks last time was just amazing and i was waay to drunk and stagedived good times)
Cancer bats (Drummonds in Aberdeen @audioprison you should go like xD)
Never say Die tour (parkway drive,comeback kid and a feew other bands in the ABC ;P)
Yashin (Local guys but are just brilliant live)
Been to see NFG,SYG,FYS again at slam dunk :D also anyone got RDR i dont have anyone to play with on me PS3 :(