WipEout HD = Awesomeness
by razielnk on Comments
Just got WipEout HD on Friday, and man this game is a blast. Yeah 8 courses is a drag and their from previous Wipeout title but hell its still fun. Plus it has trophies and Custom Music as well, which is awesome! Only downside is no online for me, and i'm not able to get online trophies :-( ..and of cousre you know I cant go without one blog talking about Rock Band, so I got 2 new tracks Under the Bridge and Blood Sugar Sex Magik by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Making my DLC Tracks to 106 + On disc songs 58 = 162. - 3 songs removed from RB1 + 84 RB2 Songs + 20 free DLC = 263 songs to play for when Rock Band 2 comes out. Bi t chin