Here's another trailer showing downgrades
Razik's forum posts
We should make a downgrade topic and post trailers and gameplay from games that were downgraded
Dumbed down graphics is noticeable, 720p is poor and the sub 30FPS is a joke. The heavy stuttering is enough to turn me off.
It looks alright but I am wondering why the hell its only 720p, remember the gameplay before the cast change
I think it has a J.J Abrams bug
Only 10 minutes left, get some popcorn and get ready to be blown away by visuals so amazing you'll think MS already released an upgraded Xbox One
Quantum Break is the best looking videogame ever made, its so technically demanding they had to run it at 720p on Xbox One, its like PC's trying to run Crysis at launch
Get ready to be blown away
Crimson Red PSP
Persona 3 PSP
Onimusha Warlords PS2
Dishonored Xbox One
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin Xbox One
Bravely Second End Layer 3DS
The Division Xbox One
Uncharted Nathan Drake collection PS4
Mario Golf World Tour 3DS
New Super Mario Bros 3DS
Sniper Elite 3 Xbox One
Etrian Odyssey IV 3DS
Resident Evil Origins Collection Xbox One
Zelda TP HD Wii U
The Order 1886 PS4
Upcoming Pre Orders
Uncharted 4 PS4
Quantum Break Xbox One
Ratchet & Clank PS4
Dark Souls 3 Xbox One
Strangers of Sword City Vita
Nintendo have so many quality amazing franchises to pick just one isn't fair
Sony's ip's are really not that great, no Wonder most of those franchise are dead
Uncharted the best Sony franchise, comparing all the other mediocre franchises between each other is pointless
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