So DC has done it. In the latest issue of Infinite Crisis DC comics has killed what can be considered a "major" character in the DCU. I am sad that he is gone because of what Geoff Johns has done with the character in the pages of the Teen Titans these last three years.
At least Superboy did not die without becoming a man! That is right folks you read it here first! (Or maybe second for those of you that had read the tie-in issue of Teen Titans before this issue of Infinite Crisis.) Superboy and Wonder Girl went for a roll in the hey. Was that clue #1 that Superboy was going to be no more? I don't think so. But it should have been a big tip off for me. Why? Because just like Jaime Kennedy's character in Scream said, if you lose your virginity in a horror movie, your going to lose your life.
It seems like when a serious story dealing with teenagers is being told and they lose there virginity some tragic event occurs and one of them loses their life. So I should have known the moment I read that comic that superboy was going down. Of course I wasn't thinking that when I read it.
I didn't know that Superboy was going to pass on before the end of this series. Although I was starting to feel that way with the last issue of Infinite Crisis. There was a whole vibe around that issue that really felt like we were seeing the end in sight. But was that the first clue that he was going to buy the farm? Not when I start putting more pieces together.
What should have tipped me off was the issue where the Flash (Wally West) went missing. Why? Because in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths (the series in which this is something of a sequel to) the Flash at that time (Barry Allen) died. Does anyone else remember what happened in that series? (It was 20 years ago so I will forgive you if you don't.) That's right, Supergirl died. Why? Why? Why? Why have a repeated history of the first series 20 years ago where it affects the exact same families in practically the same way?
I don't have an answer for you. I know that Superboy did get a heroic final moment and his death was not cheap (unlike Hawkeye's from Marvels Avengers Disassembled storyline a couple years ago). In the end though. I will miss Superboy and I hope that this will not be the last time that we ever see his character. Comic deaths more then ever before never seem to last that long. Of course there is one thought that crossed my mind. If they plan to bring us a new Superboy in the near future, could it only be 9 months away *wink, wink*?
R.I.P Superboy