@ratchet200 I get what Leeric420 is saying and you're right. It's far too soon to know. I wouldn't really call it a waste of money though. It's all about perspective. Most people putting in know that this is a risk. If it isn't the next best thing since sliced bread, then so be it (I'm literally banking that it will be). At least we took a leap of faith (no pun intended).
I cannot wait for this!!! I loved Freelancer, and it wasn't even what Chris truly envisioned. I have faith that this will turn out to be one of the greatest accomplishments by both gamer and developer!
Great job Danny. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'd like to think that there is some hope for the community out there, but every time something like this happens that hope diminishes.
I love playing video games as I'm sure many of you out there do. Have we all forgotten this? I mean why are we all even here. Do we come here just for the drama and/or to instigate (for shame). And to go so far as to nitpick a review? I'm sorry...a GOOD review. The reviewer had an opinion. So be it. Whether I agree with it or not, I'm still going to buy the game and play the mess out of it. Who cares what specific criticism was said. You don't like it? Go to another site and check their reviews out. Simple. Easy.
To take it that seriously and forget why we play games in the first place is just baffling to me. On top of attacking someone personally, which is completely and utterly unacceptable. I'm almost ashamed to call myself a gamer.
People just need to calm down, take a deep breath, and go play a video game. Isn't that why some of us started playing in the first place...to get away from drama like this!
@XCyberForceX This is the perfect analogy. And I think you are absolutely right. I'm a PC gamer and that's how it happened with us and Steam (among others). The next thing you know, I look up and the PC game section at Best Buy has shrunk 10-fold. Then it hit me....its all digital. This is the future. I remember when PC games game in cereal-sized boxes! lol
@SY_shoot I'm pretty sure Romero had nothing to do with Deus Ex. Warren Spector ran the studio in Austin which was responsible for that game. Of course you could argue that if it wasn't for Romero founding Ion Storm in the first place, Deus Ex would have never happened. But either case, I still wouldn't credit Romero for making the game what it is.
I'm actually a little disappointed to hear that a majority of players disliked the "outside the animus" portions of the previous games. I really enjoyed the present day story playing out alongside the ancestor's. I actually looked forward to seeing what Desmond and the gang was up to as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I guess it doesn't help that it also combines two of the things I have a passion for: science fiction and history.
I agree that they've really had to stretch the present day story line in order to find reasons for going back in, but I still liked it regardless. I really hope there is a lot more depth to this "Abstergo goon" than they're letting on.
rcviper02's comments