Changes coming to the WaT forum...
by rdwing19 on Comments
Alrighty, so I have no idea who really reads my very inconsistently updated blog, but I hope a lot of WaT fans that visit the boards do! I was hoping you guys could give me some opinon on what you'd like to see different with the forum. What kinds of threads would you like to see pinned? Off-topic thread (I think I know this answer - lol)? Weekly Episode threads pinned for a week? Separate thread dedicated for episode spoilers? I'm just throwing out, that I'm finally done with school (yay!) I have more time to do things **I** want to do. hehe That includes sitting down and watching TV/Movies (i have so much saved up on my dVR) - lol....On that note, time to go watch So You Think You Can Dance! Let me know what ya'll wanna see with the Trace forum. I'm so excited :)