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readmatt007 Blog

Youtube and other ventures

Hi everyone long time no see. With this being my final year of school I have been extreamly busy and really have not had time to post here on GS. 

Last week I started my first job so thats pretty exciting.It also gives me the chance to save up for at least one of the next gen consoles however I hope to pick up both in the future.

I also started a youtube channel a while back and its been struggling to get off its feet. for now its just COD sniping and forthcoming montages but in the next year or so I hope to widen the scope of my channel (no pun intended) into various other games with the inclusion of DVR in the next gen consoles. I also hope to launch my stand up comedy carreer by then and post parts of my shows on the channel too.

thanks for reading.

see you guys soon.

Some games I'm unsure about but still looking at getting

1. COD Black Ops 2: first off im not the biggest fan of COD but this one seems like the biggest change yet. However i remain a skeptic. Ill proably end up picking this up pre-played soon but mainly for the zombies cause i love me some zombies or at least killing them. the story does look good so that may just be another reason for me to get this.

2. RockSmith: Two things keep me from getting this, first the price its expensive; the guitar is really nice so i'd end up getting the full package(i dont know the proper name). secondly my patience. Usually im preetty patent but sometimes i just want to know how to do something without the learning process. I've played very little guitar but have been eager to learn for some time now and buy doing so through a game could be just the thing i need.

3. XCOM: This only really came onto my radar last night when I played the demo. I had seen the game before ut took no interest. I am a fan of the turn based strategy games and i would get it on pc if my pc could run it. you see my pc is not bad its just still running on windows xp and XCOM needs at least vista. which means i would need to get it on xbox or ps3 or get window 7/8.

going back to COD the advantage to living in South Africa is the majority of people dont have xbox live or PSN so CODs usually land up in the pre-played in mere weeks after release.

untill next time goodye.

Two Amazing Albums you need to get


One of my favorite bands for almost as long as I can remember, this album has Papa Roach written all over it with their genius mix of genres so there's something in it for everyone. The best album i've heard all year.


Discovered this band about 3 years ago and they quickly became one of my top bands. they've kept to their strengths with the alternative rock and its payed off brilliantly. Adam much like Jacoby of Papa Roach you can see the passion the have for music and it makes listening to them such a joy.

so that's it if your a Rock fan these are two essential albums to have in your collection.

till next time

I Finally Won Something!

So by now most of you have probably heard of the Hitman Sniper Challenge which you get when pre ordering Hitman Absolution. Being the massive Hitman fan I am I just had to pre order it. Anyway the largest distributer of games here in South Africa are running a compitition where the top sniper of every month wins a prize and I was the winner for August as well as being the top sniper for south africa accross all platforms so far.


That was my prize If I remain in first till the end of the month I'll win a 46" Sony Bravia LED TV.

Thats all the bragging I have time for today:P

Untill Next time friends...

Favorite game series #10

#10: Saints Row


One of the most over the top games around that is just absolute fun. I played the first game right after i bought my xbox it was actually the first current gen game i owned. what i believe happened when this series was pitched someone must have asked "what about physics?" to which the reply was "physics? F%@k physics!" I loved the comedic approach to 1&2 but felt 3 took a more serious tone and that lost points with me. This series is easy to just pick up and play and really gives it that edge to gamers of all types.

Games that just missed the list.

Gears, Fallout, Infamous, Killzone, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Deus Ex, Zelda, Halo

Help fight AIDS by playing games !

less than an hour ago I found a very worthy cause called sticks gaming basicly what it is, is you donate money in the fight against AIDS and play games against your friends to earn sticks points you can win prizes and even play against you favorite celebraties.

Sounds pretty awesome right by doing the one thing all of us here on this website love to do we can help a very worthy cause. so check out the website HEREand see for your self.

E3 Favorites

E3 has come and gone and while I didn't watch the action as it happened have been catching up. While this year definatly was not the greatest there where some sweet games showen off that are going to burn not just one but two holes in my pocket and disintegrate my wallet, yeah maybe a little too melodramatic.

first off props to Ubisoft Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist and Watch Dogs as well as Assassins creed 3 are definatly looking realy favorite part of Sony's confrence was the announcement of Beyond: Two Souls, David Cage had an amazing story in Heavy Rain and im hoping this story will be just as emotionally gripping.Microsoft announced Smart glass but that was all that really did it for me in that conference.

Out of E3 i would have to say Watch Dogs is what im most excited for I was absolutly blowen away by the stage demo. Yes there is a possability i am over hyping this game for myself but i dont care. Of couse there were alot of other good games showen off i couldn't help but be awe struck by Watch dogs, ok ill stop now:P.

So what was your E3 favorites?

What i got for Christmas

Always been a fan of skullcandy now ive got a sick pair

stylish controller :cool:

always wanted to play this but never got round to it

Another sick game:D

Awesome band awesome album

i now have everyone of thier albums :D awesome seeing them back together

also got some clothes and money oh yeah and a nephew just before Christmas :D

hope you all had a great Christmas

that concludes blog #50:D

A few recent pickups

a couple days ago i picked up Crysis 2 which im adicted too, i say if you dont have it yet and you have the spare cash buy it

and Assassins Creed Brotherhood, good game i just found the story too be not as great as 2s

i also picked up a couple new albums

both albums are great i just found that Danger Day wasnt as good as the previous My chemical Romance albums imo. but the green day album was just as good as as thier older stuff though there are a few songs that are taking a while to grow on me

until next time



4Gamers CP-PRO Gaming Headset Review

Last month my brother bought me these headphones for my PS3 for my birthday

the picture was a couple blogs back but i felt i should put it on this blog too... enough with that lets get down to the review

one thing that i love about these headsets is that they plug into your AV panel on your TV this allowsyou to not only get chat but also the games audio this really adds to a games atmosphere


the quality of this headset is brilliantif you have the game sounds put on you here almost every minute sound this is great when playing BF BC2 as a sniper and are able to hear if someone is trying to sneak up behind you. the chat quality is also very good.


the answer to that is yes just not for a long time and by long time i mean few hours. after wearing them for a few hours they become a little heavy on your head and ears but other than that they are very comfortable.

Wires I want wireless

I wanted wireless and was going to buy my self a bluetooth headset, but these are no brought down because of the wires are not short measuring at 4 meters long now unless you insist on sitting further away than that you shouldn't have a problem.


now I've only managed to find one thing wrong with this headset and that is that the clip which lets you switch game and chat on/off is a little heavy and almost forces you to clip it to your clothes

well thats my review for the 4Gamers CP-PRO Gaming Headset and if youre in the market for a headset i hope this has helped you with your decision