1. COD Black Ops 2: first off im not the biggest fan of COD but this one seems like the biggest change yet. However i remain a skeptic. Ill proably end up picking this up pre-played soon but mainly for the zombies cause i love me some zombies or at least killing them. the story does look good so that may just be another reason for me to get this.
2. RockSmith: Two things keep me from getting this, first the price its expensive; the guitar is really nice so i'd end up getting the full package(i dont know the proper name). secondly my patience. Usually im preetty patent but sometimes i just want to know how to do something without the learning process. I've played very little guitar but have been eager to learn for some time now and buy doing so through a game could be just the thing i need.
3. XCOM: This only really came onto my radar last night when I played the demo. I had seen the game before ut took no interest. I am a fan of the turn based strategy games and i would get it on pc if my pc could run it. you see my pc is not bad its just still running on windows xp and XCOM needs at least vista. which means i would need to get it on xbox or ps3 or get window 7/8.
going back to COD the advantage to living in South Africa is the majority of people dont have xbox live or PSN so CODs usually land up in the pre-played in mere weeks after release.
untill next time goodye.