then what about its multiplayer .. where there is no atmosphere ... etc. etc. .... in-game xmb music is needed in its multiplayer...!! as well as for campaign.. if we r playin it for the second time...
real_blade's forum posts
EA is responsible for PS3 not having universal in-game music ( for all games ) .. and for ppl who saying ( akon music in god of war 3, u will b stupid to do that ) y not listen to better suit the situation and by the way ... its just an option ... ur not forced to use that ... Y u feel bad if ps3 gets more options..?
hi , there .. devs are not feeling it necessary to put custom soundtracks support on PS3 versions.... so , what we have to do is force them OR let them feel that feature is very much necessary MORE than that USELESS TROPHIES.... email them .... tweet replies on twitter .. etc. Infinity ward email - info@ infintyward DOT COM... follow fourzerotwo on & ask him for in-game music ( from XMB ) support for ps3 version... . Let them know what we need.... at last i want to say . is that I HATE EA ..:(
Moderator's Note: This thread makes little cogent sense in context and is borderline trolling. Closed.
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