I was stupid not to play through "Normal" mode a few times and gather more Untouchables, but I didn't.I started DMD mode with only 2 stars. Used one on Nightmare fight 3 and the rest on Mundus.Oh Mundus, what a POS!. It took me 3 days to beat him! 3 Days! I would always come so close, but he would just obliterate me with his meteors. And during these 3 days I sat there fighting him and getting pist and hitting everything I could. I tore up my knuckles, bruised my arms from my wrists to my elbows, bruised my legs, knuckles, and almost put a hole through the door. I almost popped a blood vessel in my head from yelling so loud. It was bad. But I eventually beat him and shouted obscenities at the TV in joy. The hardest thing I had ever done.
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