xbox live isent working
by reb444 on Comments
I have sent of my xbox 360 about 2 months ago and i have it back beacuse it went on fire lol so i tried to connect to xbox live on it dident work i tried unpluging my rooter and restarting my rooter connection it dident work i changed all my setting on it like the ip address and the connection it dident work i left it for a month and i got so mad that i had to call customer support i had to wait half an hour to talk to this girl she said to unplug my rooter i pluged my phone rooter out by accident i lost connection so i had to wait anouther half an hour to get on to it was a big waist of time they dident help me atal he said i had to change my nat settings i did it dident work so can eneybody help me when i test my connection it says thet onely my xbox live just doesnt work it doesnt get down to nat connection