Here’s my second BAD editor story…
Lately, I was going crazy on submitting quotes to guides that had none, and weren’t editorless as submissions get processed faster. So I somehow ended up on the BBT guide and was happy to see the editor was actually someone on my friends list that was also Trusted user for one of my guides…. Actually, the real happiness was seing 0 freakin quotes and having found 15. So yeah, I’ve submitted 13 of them last friday (the 2 others were useless, or just lame) and had one accepted Sunday…. Another went thru last night, BUT IT WAS FREAKIN REJECTED…. I do hate rejections, but I dont go crazy all about it only if a good reason is provided. When I saw "Duplicate :D" written in the comment box (And with that stupid smiley, ugh!)… Total WTF moment!!
I went back on the guide just to make sure he was not submitting my stuff (cause it already happen to me once…) and he wasn’t, though I saw 3 quotes in the trivia sections, but they weren’t the same as the 13 I’ve submitted WHILE AGO…
Now I know it’s only one sub, but come on… He’s on my friend list, he submitted to one of my guide while ago and I processed each and everyone of his submissions fairly, accepting even the lame and useless one to finally make him my Trusted User… Doesn’t that count for something?? Can someone be that much inconsiderate??… Argh! Stupid him!
On the Bright side...
Superman Returns is coming out on DVD today, Yaye! SO I guess I wont stay mad for long :P There are still things in this world that make me happy :D
Now I just have to figure out what’s the damn difference between a Blue-Ray disc and an HD DVD... well whats better??
Unforgetable quotes from the movie... (LOL, Quotes again :P)
Jor-El: You will travel far, my little Kal-El, but we will never leave you-even in the face of our deaths. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father. And the father, the son.
Superman: [to Jason asleep in his bed] You will be different, sometimes you'll feel like an outcast, but you'll never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son