The problem I see here is that hardly any of you are informative in the technical area of DirectX 10. If you look at it closely there is nothing new. OpenGL has long been in this area on the PC. Even Carmack (recent DirectX programmer now) sees nothing benefitial with DirectX 10. The APIs (the game libraries) are 80% deprecated and Microsoft's replacements are not even close to what they dropped. DirectShow was removed due to internal issues, DirectInput is being replaced with just one joystick (the xbox 360 one believe it or not). DirectPlay never had a replacement. DirectSound is now in full software mode - not hardware! All you have left that's worth mentioning is Direct3D which is the only version 10. And it just doesn't give anything new to developers than they have had for a few years now. If John Carmack can't see anything benefitial, don't bother going to Vista for a while. What is so backward compatible is causing 90% of games to be broken at the moment. Ask yourself it is really worth it, because right now the games are being targeted at XP still, and only companies that kiss up to Microsoft will be making their appearance on Vista.
I'm a graphics programmer, and quite sadly I see dx10 being too over-hyped. John Carmack, the creator of DOOM III, Quake 4 (you should know him) mentioned that DirectX 10 isn't even worth considering. These graphics do offer a few benefits but I still don't see the point especially with shaders already in Direct3D 9. But whatever. More money for Gates ;0)
red_shock's comments