this is regarding the battle maps for multiplayer:
MAKE BIG MAPS like in mario kart 64! maps that big can handle 8 players online and its fun...a bit of sneeking (driving) around , lots of room for pursuits,evasion, suprise attacks, etc.
then ones in double dsh: block city was smaller than n64 version and thus, with 4 players....the match was over in less than 5 minutes! not good enough. the gamecube level was tiny, tilt level was tiny, cookie land was a tiny circle - puny compared to n64's donut level, etc.
anyone else agree?
i agree but the whole reason for the downsizing of the battle maps was because people thought the n64 maps were too big so i think the wii will probably have small maps but they also might have bigger ones for the multiplayer i dunno but i personally want big maps like the n64 i remember when i used to play it with my friends n they were awesome because u didnt know where they were n all of a sudden they came out of nowhere with a red shell killing u awww man tht was fun
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