I finally decided to stop playing Dead Rising 2. I had enough of the ridiculous grinding and the less and acceptable value fo the game. So, aside from the nice graphics and the avarege 60 minutes the weapons fell fun this game is not worth remembering.
I continued playing White Knight Chornicles. Even if this game is kind of lame it was still nice enough to keep me playing for a total 18 hours. I'm close to finishing it, and there is still a lot of stuff to try. I tryed Georama village builder and is kind of fun, but it requires a lot of money, so i guess it was meant for the second runthrough.
And yes, close to the launch of the Cataclysm expansion, i bought WOW with Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich king and I must say there are a lot of things I enjoy, but there are also a lot of things that are kind of lame. I like the fact that there is a lot of content, that the maps are huge, the combat is fun and sometimes really inspired. Also I like the fact that there are a lot of quest so you don't get stuck with having nothing to do. On the other hand, the questing is pretty much their excuse to grind just like you would in any other MMORPG. I had also forgot how wierd the dwarsf, gnomes and the taurin look like in this game.
After White Knight I plan to play Resonance of Fate. It has been on my playing list for a few monts but I kep forgetiing abot it. I hope it is as good as the reviews say it is.
PS: i played WOW after launch but it was kind of boring back then :D.