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First impressions: Marvel vs Capcom 3, Sengoku Basara SH, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

I just got Marvel vs Capcom 3 and two older games i could not find until now and I played a an hour each just to make an impression... so here it is.

Marvel vs Capcom 3:

Fighting games have been long been a passion of mine, and while my favourite stil remain Namco Bandai it seems Capcom is making considerable efforts to make games more accesible. It so happens that MvC 3 is a step forward in the Capcom jurney to make better games. If you are a patient man you still have the tedios combinations that push your dexterity to the next level but now you have the simple version of things that allows oyu to enjoy the game without the "drama". So, fighting is nice, looks good and has plenty of replayability. The characters are original and put on quaite a "fireworks show" with little effort. The graphics are enjoyable, the stages attractive and the character models look great, even though some models look a little different than the previous games that feature them. Unfortunatelly the fighting is still 3D characters in a 2D perspective which is rather old-school. Overall the game is enjoyable and can keep you glued in front of the TV at least until you play all posible combinations of characters... which is a lot :).

Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes:

While this type of games is enjoyed by less people I still found this SBSH to be a nice experince. The game looks great, especially when talking about fighting animations and hero models (they have manga "writen" all over them). The story is interesting even though it is told in a simple and childish way. If you like fighting hundreds of enemies that mindlessly run around the battle field than this game will surlely appeal to you. Many things were improved from the last games I played for Koei (the PC ones) out of which item creation, materials and story paths are the most obvious. Overall the game promises a lengthy campaing and lot of fightinging with original charactes each with unique moves and gameplay.

NInja Gainde Sigma 2:

Thiis game was released in 2009 it was only now that I was able to get it and.... I was impressed. Aside from the terrible camera, this game is a masterpiece. It is dinamic and flashy, original in many ways and requires some tactical gameplay, since button mashing does not seem to work :D. The story is nice but kind of weak and it has a "deja-vu" felling glooming over it. Even if the game is old the graphics are still good, models and animation are great and level design is inspired. The variaty of weapons and techniques make the game entertaining. Missions are interesting and enjoyable making sure you have a lot more to do after you finish the main story. As a side note, thropies are kind of ridiculous (a lot of "execute a technique" for the first time and a lot of "execute a move" X times)... but hey, it was launched 2 years ago :).

I also installed Dead Space 2 on the PC but i only played the first ten mintues. At first glance the game looks great and promises to be a hit.