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[MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS] Played first 5 hours of SC 2

As a mini-pre-review i would like to say a few words about SC2.

Before I start I would like to say that tha fact that SC2 is a sequel to, probably, the best RTS of all times makes it really difficult not to search for the tiniest mistake, glich or imperfection when playing the game. I will try to be as objective as possbile, but I'm not sure this is possible.

First of all the game took a long time to install, compared to other games of the same size (12 GB). In this time a female voice presented te story of SC universe, just in case you had forgotten or are new to it. The B.NET account was easy to create but i had some problems with the password and i had to recover it before it could log in for the first time.

The game starts with the face of Jim as a loading screen and, this also takes a little more thant other games. BTW I have a pretty good PC (7.3 on Windows 7 rating).

And we are off. I browsed the main menu a little, looking at: achievment, multiplayer options, settings and a began the tutorials. Even though I am not new to SC i decided to see if there were improvements that i might miss. The tutorials are short and pretty straight forward. I noticed a few improvements just from the tutorials:

  • when you enque actions (with SHIFT) they are visualy represented on the screen, which is a plus when you want to have a precise control over the actions of various grups of enemies. For example you want your tanks to take out templars while some other units storm the defences.
  • the numer of qued units is represented when you roll over the pointer over a structure.
  • you can set rally poit with right click for any production structure.

This is waht i notice form the tutorials.

Off to the campaign. The first two or three missions are just a small introduction in the game mechanis just in case you skipped the tutorials. Still they are great if you want them to be. If you take your time you can see dogs that run around and bark, cows that get in the way and from time to time a civilian that has something to say. The world feels alive and I starts to suck you in. The first units you can use the Marines and the Medics look really sweet and run really smooth.

After the first three missions I noticed the following enhancements:

  • you can have selection groups of any size.
  • addons to Baracks allow you to build two units at the same time.
  • medics are smarted now, since they stop to heal even when you use "atack move" order.
  • pathfiding is better (even if in SC1 it was also great).
  • Supply Depots can be made flat so that units can walk over them.

Aside from the gameplay enhancements, the story and cutscenes look awesome. There is a feeling that the graphics are a bit dated but, the movies, and the inside of the bar are just awesome. The point and click stages between mission give life to characters and make you want to know more about them. The voice acting is just awesome and this will continue throughout the campaign as more and more characters join your team.

Off to the next 7 misssion and the goodies the campaign has to offer. You get to cruise with a Battle Cruiser, and to visit the bridge, the armory, the lab and the cantina. The same point and click segments keep you going through all of them after each mission to see what the characters have to say about you and your progress. These segments are not static as from time to time, unclickable caracter move from one side to the other... yeah there is also a dancig blood elf hologram in the cantina :).

When you play a mission you can follow a secondary objective that will win you reasearch poin on the prottos and zerg tech tree. With each level you gain in these reasearch tree you can chose on of two posible upgrades which are pretty cool and encoure you to finish each secondary objective. After each mission you also earn credits which you can spend on upgrades for your buildings and units. You can hire groups of mercenaris , which you can deploy ingame for a certain amount of resources. With each mission you unlock a unit, and after that mission you can build it in the game and upgrade if from the armory.

I almost forgot but there is a different news transmision you can acess in the cantina after each mission, which is somewhat funny. I notice that the news are similar: the presentor says something the previous mission you did, the pretty girls says that in fact people like Jimmy, and than the presentor cuts her off and says Jimmy is an evil a**h*le.

More enhancements to gameplay:

  • the factory has an addon that allows to units to be built at hte same time.
  • jump-pack infantery is awesome.
  • upgrades are cool and somewhat change the gameplay, even if just by a little.
  • you begin to notice that there are rocks blocking some paths and that they represent a strong element in your strategy
  • pathfinding for larger armis is almost perfect, but i did spot some minor flaws.

I notice that the Goliaths looks a little less cool than they should :). The Siege Tanks are still prime and the firebats seem to be more effective than in SC1. The mission where you play Zeratul is interesiting and fun, and gives a preview of the Protoss campaing that will arrive... when it's ready . Overall the missions feel good and can keep you in front of the monitor for hours before you notice it is about time to sleep :).

Other things that I enjoyed are the achivements you can unlock. If you finish any mission with secondary objectives, you get an achivement, if you do some stuff on normal another and finally some more stuff on hard you get another. Some people, including will definitlly play this campaign three times :).

Big spoiler for those that didn't get to the prottos mission: "Zeratul vs Zerg + Kerrigan cutscene" rocks.

I will be back with more...