This was orginally a forum post. I don't think the thread will last very long, so I'm keeping my thoughts that I NEVER FORGET.
After beating Zelda TP, I have come to the realization that there is something wrong with the series. From the surface this game gets everything right: The best dungeons, the best bosses, a huge world, excellent pacing, and a great story. I had so much fun playing it. But why am feeling less satisfied than with the previous Zelda games? Twilight Princess is technically is the best Zelda game.
The problem I think is with the formula itself. It has been overused to the point it fails to surprise. The dungeon themes continue to be similar with each game (forest dungeon, fire dungeon, etc). The boss battles reuse old techniques (ex: batting back and forth an energy ball). And the combat system has evolved so little since OoT.
Point: The Zelda formula needs a big change, gameplay-wise.
Here's what I think should happen:
- Z-targeting and one-button sword combos must go. With the Wiimote there is a potential for real interactive swordplay. I would rather have a few enemies that take skill to fight than a million total pushovers. Lack of targeting also forces you to actually aim your bow.
- Dungeon,Boss,Heartpiece,Dungeon,Boss,Heartpiece, etc etc. This pattern of progression needs to change. I think dungeons should be scrapped altogther. Instead, take the excellent puzzle designs and just disperse it all through Hyrule, as if the world was one huge dungeon.
- Boss battles could happen anywhere. You may be riding along Epona, then suddenly a giant monster jumps out and you are forced to fight. Or you're in a town and out of the ground a monster pops out. This keeps you constantly on guard.
- Seasons. As you play, the weather changes. I seriously want to see Hyrule in the winter.
- Here's a crazy idea. Get rid of the current health meter. Also no more hearts that can be found in pots and grass. Instead, Link has a life meter that slowly declines, even if he does nothing. The ONLY way to restore to eat and drink. Link can purchase food and carry it with him, or find it in the wild.