another E3 show with jaw dropping trailers, fantastic graphics and big promises from developers that turns to a completely average game, with downgraded visuals and tons of bugs. thank you UBI, you successfully did another "EA" !
@lonewolf1044 @djsimpson95 @redder1111 thanx guys. i don't have any problem with downloading it. I'm talking about performance. is that a well optimized game? will it run good on older PCs?
@Megamandrew I just love the way you try to hide your speciality by simply telling "i don't do that, it's your job" or "you're talking to yourself" :)) everyone saw your comment about worshiping an editor here. and no need to say it again that you confessed this before, buttlicker! (Urban dictionary: a person who licks ass hole and likes it. someone who likes the smell of ass) xD anyway, I just hope you had a good night with your mom last night. I'm sure she gave you some good advises.I can see it clearly in your comment today. remember that buddy. you can't change your nature by escaping from reality.
@Megamandrew didn't know b**tlickers don't understand the meaning of "@Megamandrew" at the beginning of a comment and the meaning of "you". does licking people's b**t really affect mental health? maybe.... anyway this wasn't really a nice try b**tlicker. there are enough proof in your posts about your dirty pleasure and you confessed it before. be calm and accept the reality. you shouldn't be ashamed of your work. you know what? It helps so much to just talk about it with someone. someone you trust. like your mom. go for her right after reading this and tell her everything. she will help you. she helps you to find better ways to accept this fact and maybe even advises about how to improve your services. (you can try daddy or sis in the next steps)
@Megamandrew yes! one of those funny comments. thank you! you really made my day. and LOL. finally you accepted that your a b**tlicker! and a professional one! xD betcha you make much more money with your business than the jar you said before. anyway, honestly i didn't expect more than this from your first comment here. and I don't need to lie to you. why should i even lie to a poor little b**licker? xD
you know what? i really prefer to be called someone with a weak grammar than a dirty b**tlicker.
@Megamandrew being a dirty rat like you? sorry, but nope it never happened ;) but i'd gladly listen to your memories and experiences about this. it's good hear it from a professional. (oh sh!t ! my english grammar is so bad. I was typing the spell of b**tlicker wrong in all these posts :( )
redder1111's comments