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The Most Riitarded and Wiitarded game quotes.

Here I will be posting qoutes like my friend ryeferd, only his is limited to Wiitards. mine will go out to all retarded quotes of the videos game world.


here's some of my favorties from Ryeferds Blog:

SSJ-Mario wrote:

" Wait, does the Nunchuck have the same motion sensing than the Wiimote? Cos that'd be insane. " mil-key-lik wrote:

" The Wii is a next gen system, it's a little weaker than the 360, thats all. "

" I believe The Wii will be taking the PS2's place, the 360 will be taking Gamecube's place and the PS3 will be taking the place of the original x-box. I believe The Wii will share the success the PS2 had. "

fiercedeity901 wrote:

" nintendo is WAY ahead of the game...all this and already 2million consoles manufactured....nintendo is just kicking ass and taking names right the gloves by the way "

Link256 wrote:

" If you do not buy Nintendo Wii, I will be forced to hunt-you-down, confront you, knock you down and keep beatin' you [you know, kick you while you are down kind of ordeal ] until you began to beg for mercy and surrender into buying one... "

this is not Wiitarded in a stupid way, rather the over obsessed Halo fan or "Halo Gamer" as they have been called on the "Hot Spot"



mxdreamweaver wrote:

"  well the keyboard and mouse is simply the best for fps games and rts games. that is simply unarguable, you might as well argue that hitler was justified in killings millions of jews. sure theres the whole "every one has a opinion" thing whcih cycles the internet, but some peoples opinions are simply wrong, expectionally if that opinion comes from someone under 16.  "

this one was better left unsaid.


Zuhyer wrote:

"   The psp is getting its a** kicked by the ds  "

and thank god xaos wrote the proper response:

"  They are being outsold by about 25% in terms of units, which means dollarwise, they are at least neck and neck.   "


The following is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I didn't know it was possible to damage something like this:

Naked-Snake wrote:

"   i spilled water on my psp, now its crazy, sometimes it turns on and of by its self, the screen is wet from the inside, and the burttons dont work, i dont hvae a warranty, what am i supposed to do, am i supposed to send it to sony or something.   "

Then he:

"   i opened my psp, so i could make it dry, but i dropped the screw driver on it, now its broke, do i send it to sony, if yes, how.  "

Then he wrote:

"   the water is not the only problem, i cracked the screen too  "

then he was given a Helpful suggestion:

mikeman10 wrote:

"   put it in the microwave  " "  to dry it   "

our hero has been thoroughly humiliated be me and every one on that thread. he is now going to wat until PSP two comes out and play his DS (which he hates) until then. lets hope he can atleast keep that one dry.


fakkhead wrote:

"  Damn.. I forgot my precious PSP on the plane yesterday.. Im going back to the airport tomorow! I hope to god they got it safe.   "

how do you forget this kind of stuff.

P.S. he got it back


coonana wrote:

"   Wii have a true next gen console. It may not have super charged graphics but it does have gameplay. Somthing the competition have failed to upgrade.   "

once again Wii find a lost moron who follows everything Reggie says without question. Reggie is hitler in a new body *psyco theme plays*



nintendo-4life wrote:

"  have you ever seen a person playing a Wii? he doesn't look stupid at all, he looks cool  "

elmoXPXP wrote:

"   I'm going to play the Wii wearing a Link costume.  In fact it should come with a choice of costumes just to get more into the spirit of it.   "



The following is not retarded but awsome

Kimbokasteniv sig is:

"I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself."



the following is beyond the stupidity of anyone you will find on this forum. George Bush would know this one before this guy.

tsylord wrote:

"   Will Halo come to the Wii?   "

then NotAFurry wrote:

"    It's going to be called Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.    "



I'm sorry for nothing new but since the Wii came out people are realizing they were wrong and not making any more stupid fanboy predictions



JayGonDS wrote:

"   you can't judge the wii's graphics...cuz we really haven't seen what the wii can really do "

I finnally found a quote. not to much, but it just made it in their.

Scratch that this is true gold:

JamesHirst wrote:

"   Lemme tell you this right now, I don't even own a Wii, I own an Xbox 360, and I must say that the Wii's graphics are awesome and great.   "

when he buys one, the Wii-remote is gonna hit his anger

I must've hit the Jackpot tonight:

Hoodlym_UK wrote:

"   Graphics are only 10% of a gaming console.  "

they haven't been that since the Generation 1.

they just won't stop coming:

Optusnet wrote:

"   There's no such thing as the "wii having bad graphics".    "

NickActon wrote:

"   YES! they are good! and they havent even came out w/any games that use the any of the Wii's graphical power yet   "

Ryeferd, the following is your thoughts exactly:

Sir_BIGnuts wrote:


Its like getting a GC game with a new controller. Old and tired.   "

this post is becoming to long, you can continue for yourself:


(sorry about the deleted posts on the bottom)