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3-18-09-Somewhere, tonight, Superman is sleeping in Chuck Norris jammies. . .

*think Ned Flanders voice. . . .and transmission begins in 5...4...3...2...1...*

Well, Hidely-Hodely There, neighbor! I was glad to hear from you, ******!

Thanks so much for replying. I thought, after that whole, WoW verbal eruption I sent, you would have thrown me to the wolves (or Orcs or Undead or whatever it IS you would have thrown me to, if we WERE in Azeroth *reaches up, methodically, only to push up, on the bridge of her black framed glasses that had started to slip down her nose. Followed by a maniacally uncontrolled cackling laugh*). Hmm, you said you are always up for intelligent conversation? Wasn't aware my words even constituted as that! LOL *to be said in a Triumph The Insult Comic Dog voice* "No but seriously. . . I kid, I kid."

Well, what's this GS Lounge union about? I would LOVE to join. Pretty sure anyway. I mean, I'm sure you won't hunt me down, like a 3-legged dog and shoot me, if I decide to drop out or anything, right? Now, when I say hunt me down, you also know I am including within my definition, as if you were to PAY someone to hunt me down as well, O.K.? Just so we are clear. *peers around nervously, as if she hashad a previous incident, of this very same nature, tostir upsome underlying but already existent paranoia within her*

What did you think of the blog idea? Just me ranting in these e-mails? Overkill, played out or just plain lame? What? C'mon then! Anything? Hell, who cares, at least you and I will read them. Yes. . . WE will still read them, we will. We will. *stares off into the distance while thinking of an episode of Ren & Stimpy, where they were trapped in space and. . . .cue Ren's voice. . ."Captain's Log, day. . "Ren began to believe that all Stimpy wanted, was his LAST precious, creamy, ice cream bar - which was really just a nasty old bar of used soap*

Maybe after sometime or after not very long at all, you too, will stop reading and I will be left alone again. Just as I was before I came here to GameSpot. Maybe I'll even "write" to you after you HAVE stopped responding. Sometimes Imight drift in and out of remembering that and I will ask you questions in which I honestly believe I WILL receive an answer from you. I'll have enough wit sometimes to KNOW that I haven't spoken to you in years and I will simplyjot downrhetorical questions (none of that, The Meaning of Life, kind of stuff, you know?).

It is getting late and I should sleep. I bet you Chuck Norris isn't getting settled into bed right now. Although he IS probably snuggled up in his Superman pajamas (just as Superman is fast asleep in his Chuck Norris jammies). HmMmMm... *wondering if she has scared off your interaction YET* Hope to hear from you soon, man. Until then. . .

Take care, Be good and sweet dreams, sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite.Seriously, they are running more rampant than one would think. Look into it. It's disturbing.period