Currently playing:
Trails Evolution
Forza Horizon
So much has changed, where to begin.
Currently playing:
Trails Evolution
Forza Horizon
So much has changed, where to begin.
Update April 18th 2011:
I have been very busy with college and work these past months. I am studying at the University of Minnesota Duluth in the field of Engineering. Even though I do not update my blog, I still visit gamespot on a daily basis to catch up on news and game previews/reviews. I am still playing games on a daily basis, I mostly play my xbox. I keep to less time consuming games and of course multiplayergames such as Black Ops and Halo: Reach. I also play games a ton on my cell phone. I have an HTC EVO from Sprint that I use to play games everywhere. I play Galcon, which is a real time multiplayer strategy game. I also have several emulators for GBA, N64, and PSX. That I play alot. I just started Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga on my EVO and it is a very fun game that was released for the GBA, check it out.
Black Ops (360)
Halo:Reach (360)
Trails HD (360)
Galcon (Android)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA, Android)
Trials HD
Halo Wars
Obilvion (Started a new character)
Mass Effect 2 (On Tuesday of course)
Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2
Assassins Creed II
Laft 4 Dead 2
Star Ocean
Cant wait to play Splinter Cell Conviction
Guitar Hero II is a fun game:
Just last weekend I went to my causins house to play games and stuff. He has a PS2 (also a 360) and he newly got Guitar Hero I and II, with two guitars. We played it all weekend and we unlocked all of the songs. I barrowed it from him and his old PS2 which only has one working controller port. I dont know what it is but that game is just so addicting,,no thats the wrong word for it......There is a drive for perfection, that is unattainable unless you are the uber owner gods you see on favorite song to play is The Light that Blinds by Shadow Falls, its a slow opening acoustic guitar solo, then out of no-where its a hard core metal breakdown. The first time I played it I was suprised and amazed by the sudden change...If you haent played GH2 go play it at your local BestBuys or Walmarts!!!
Here is a list of stuff I got and Stuff I gave:
I will blog later, Right now I am going to go watch Jackass 2 at a friends house, C Ya
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