relyt92 Blog
5000 posts?!
by relyt92 on Comments
I have now reached my 5000th post. Half way to 10k. I made 1000 posts in 5 days.
by relyt92 on Comments
Of The Carribean 2. I saw the movie today, it was pretty good. Good action, but it also had some humor. The humor was well done because it seemed to be in the right parts and the movie wasn't all about comedy. The special effect's were also great. 8/10 You should all go see it.
School's over
by relyt92 on Comments
FINALLY! I ended up with a 70% average, went down a bit. Time for alot of sleeping and doing nothing.
First blog, 1000 post's!
by relyt92 on Comments
Well. i've never really liked blogs, but i thought i would make one to celebrate my 1000'th post. It only took me since feb 5th.
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