How is it even humanly possible to have the slightest clue what is going down on screen? Between ridiculous special effects, numbers, character highlights, and characters, the screen is a sea of light, color, and movement. It looks like a mash/spamathon of attacks and specials until you are dead or the screen is empty. Not something I'd be interested in.
If you've played one DOA, you've played them all. There hasn't been a positive improvement to the series since 2: Hardcore. After that point, the game speed was jacked way up to the point response times require either pure luck or inhuman reactions, and every button was so over-mapped that it became an impossibility to tell what exactly a given button press would do. Throw on top a focus on making bouncing breasts and sexy costumes rather than imporvements to game mechancis, and DOA isn't worth its release price. Maybe when it hits the $10 or less bargain bin (assuming you don't already own any of the other DOA games), but until then, just say no.
As someone going into the game industry, I am anti-F2P. I will NEVER work on such a project. I didn't go to college and work my ass off over several months/years to live off of the charity of a random few. I aim to make a damn good product, and if you want it, you will pay for it. Otherwise, piss off!
Or maybe every industry should try the F2P model. Then you can work +40 hour weeks with no guranteed pay for your efforts, and then maybe a few random strangers will be good enough to toss a few coins your way so you can pay your bills, eat, have a home, provide for your family... Yeah, good luck with that.
This video shows that games have a LONG way to go still with making true to life human characters. The faces, expressions, eyes, and character movements are still way off.
They shouldn't even be allowed to release a 16 GB. There shouldn't be a model even available with less than 160 gigs. I ran out of space on my 80 gig model ages ago and upgraded to a 500 gig hard drive. It was a pain in the ass, and it costed me a lot of lost data. It is ridiculous. A 1TB external or internal costs under $100 USD. 16 gigs has to be a typo because that effectively is the same as releaseing an unuseable paper weight. a few updates and maybe half a dozen Skyrim saves, and your system's a brick. Or is that the ultra-hardcore model for gamers who are against save data of any kind?
It'd be nice if it had PS1 and PS2 backwards compatability, but otherwise, smaller and more refined isn't bad for new buyers. I'm still with my ancient fat PS3 with an upgraded harddrive I put in after the original ran out of space. No point in buying a new one. Now if this was an xbox360, a new slimmer version would always be welcome. The short lifespans of 360s makes upgrading to the next smallest version of the system more plausible. I remember my orginal 360 left me terrified to play it. Finally sold it to a friend and it died a month later. :(
He makes some good points, but his points need to be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, there are a lot of cute innovative little diversions outside of the AAA industry, but that's all they are; cute unpolished diversions. A player kills a few minutes here and there with the types of games that are made for phones and such, while a core console game is designed to have the player spend hours per session with content, depth, and production values enough to keep players coming back. Saying consoles will die out because of apps and facebook game sis like those people who claimed VHS/DVD/High-Def TVs/Etc will kill the movie theater business. A big screen movie is an experience that can't be recreated on a small scale or without a massive budget. Game systems won't be going anywhere soon.
bad end result is bad end result. If retaining artistic integrity is more important than delivering anything other than a steaming pile of crap, than so be it. Enjoy your compnay being closed down and all employs being let go of. And enjoy the foul taste of being an art snob who has created a product no one in the world enjoyed except for pretentious "you". Fixing what is broken in a mediocore game to make the game better is better than preserving the initial intention if the initial intention turns out to have been a total failure. Besides, any universe where a soldier is too incompetent to simultaneously wield a flashlight and a gun is a universe that does not desrve to exist.
remf18's comments