rene9ade520's forum posts

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#1 rene9ade520
Member since 2005 • 54 Posts
Dear GS, I have often wished for an additional feature on your website that I think many would enjoy. I do not have full access, so this may just be a feature that I do not have access to. However, I think a great idea would be to make an additional check mark in the games::colletion segment of user profiles that you can toggle on or off for each owned game that specifies wether or not the user has beaten the game. I feel that this one check mark would add an extra customization to every user profile which would ultimately generate more interest in your site.
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#2 rene9ade520
Member since 2005 • 54 Posts

I don't know if this would be the right forum to post about this, but I have recently noticed the new change in the rating system. The trating system was one of my most favorite features of this website. The traditional way allowed me to rate games to the first decimal from one to ten, but now, I am only allowed to rate in increments of five for that first decimal. I now it is such a small thing to complain about, but it really has made my stay here less enjoyabe. If I wanted to rate a game 8.3, I would have to either round up or down to either 8.5 or 8.0.. Five points makes a huge difference in how good or bad a game is...I think it is not just less accurate, but it seems silly that it should work great before and now does not with the upgrade. Well, I hope this comment is heard. Thanks for your time GS. Peace.

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#3 rene9ade520
Member since 2005 • 54 Posts
Hey Gamespot. I want to start off by thanking you for such a great site. Your's is the only site I really dedicate any time to. However, lately I have been posting a lot of responses to your articles and shortly after submitting the message, if I refresh my page, the comment suddenly disappears. I can't tell you how annoying this is. I spent a lot of time writting each comment/response only to have it not be anyone. I'm confused, can only paying members post responses to your articles, or is there something wrong with my acc.? Is there any one else out there having the same problem?
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#4 rene9ade520
Member since 2005 • 54 Posts
Hey GS, just want to say thanx for such an awesome gamers site. Moi excellente!!! I do have one suggestion however (I know, give me an inch and I ask for a mile); I've been gaming since I was just a wee young lad and now, when searching through all the great reviews, screenshots and posts your site has to offer on current-gen and next-gen consoles I somehow feel sad not being able to easily browse my old school favorites and rate them. I now you have profiles for hundreds of them, but if only you could add an "oldschool" tab in your list of consoles located in the toolbar my life would be happier and I would cry with joy......please, please, please, etc....
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#5 rene9ade520
Member since 2005 • 54 Posts
Thanx GS!!! Love the new avatar size. : D