User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 7.2/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:9.8

    The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay

  • Rating:8

    Tomb Raider: Legend

  • Rating:9

    God of War

  • Rating:6.5

    Bloody Roar: Primal Fury

  • Rating:9

    Def Jam: Fight for NY

  • Rating:9.3

    Saints Row

  • Rating:8.8

    Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition

  • Rating:3.9

    Tony Hawk's Project 8

  • Rating:9
    An original epic masterpiece, definatley worth buying...................................................................

    God of War (Greatest Hits)

    An original epic masterpiece, definatley worth buying...................................................................

    God of war is a razor of splendor that swoops down to the gaming indrustry and shaves the long repetative facial hair of all things boring or unoriginal. From the minuite you pick up the control, you will be opened to a ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:3.7
    You wont believe how bad it is until you make the mistake of renting it, so plz dont,srry sega you screwed this one over

    Shadow the Hedgehog

    You wont believe how bad it is until you make the mistake of renting it, so plz dont,srry sega you screwed this one over

    When i first started seeing previews for this game, I was full of exitement... YES FINALLY A GAME ABOUT SHADOW, was heard among many sonic fans. SURELY A GAME ABOUT SHADOW HAS TO BE GOOD RIGHT? wrong. This pitifull pi... Read Full Review

    1 of 4 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    Def jam is a well rounded fighting game that the whole family will enjoy.....plz consider reading.......................

    Def Jam: Fight for NY

    Def jam is a well rounded fighting game that the whole family will enjoy.....plz consider reading.......................

    Def jam is a great game both because of it's originality, and its flare which both contribute to it's complete and total awesomeness. If you dig fighting games, this game will draw you into an obsession with it's tracto... Read Full Review

    1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6.5
    This is pretty much bloody roar 3 with a few additional features thrown in..............................................

    Bloody Roar: Primal Fury

    This is pretty much bloody roar 3 with a few additional features thrown in..............................................

    Bloody roar has never been a very huge series, and has never really gotten very good scores. This game definatley didnt give the series any more credit. If you are a fan of bloody roar 3, you may be slightly dissapointe... Read Full Review

    0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:3.9
    Even if ur a fan, stay away from this game please

    Tony Hawk's Project 8

    Even if ur a fan, stay away from this game please

    I havnt written a review in a while, but let me start by saying that this game bites the big one. HARD. everything sucks about this game. GRAPHICS: they had it goin with american wasteland but this game's graphics are... Read Full Review

    3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:2.6
    X-men ledgends is just another button mashing beat-em-up that seeks originality and fails to find it....................

    X-Men Legends

    X-men ledgends is just another button mashing beat-em-up that seeks originality and fails to find it....................

    This game is horribly unoriginal besides the fact that its X-men.this game is alot like Shoulin monks,star wars episode3, Ninja frikin turtles(1,2,and 3) And the new upcoming teen titans game,along with a billion other ... Read Full Review

    2 of 6 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9.4
    Kingdom hearts 2 is an awesomely original game that fuses the power of square enix and Disney to make one sweet RPG.....

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Kingdom hearts 2 is an awesomely original game that fuses the power of square enix and Disney to make one sweet RPG.....

    Kingdom hearts 2 is by far the best RPG I personally have ever played. It is a tight piece of work that has elements from both Disney and Square enix. Possibly the best thing about kingdom hearts 2 is the length. It t... Read Full Review

    1 of 2 users found the following review helpful