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Another Indy IV hate blog.

Indiana Jones IV


Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the past year you would have at least heard about the fuss behind a welcome return of the wise cracking, whip wielding archaeologist to the big screen in the form of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Has the movie been worth the worn down finger nails and the agonising wait? Unfortunately no it hasn't.

The main problem in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is not the age of the main hero like a lot of people have been expecting but the fact that the movie feels rushed and incomplete. The story, now having a heavy science fiction influence, shows a lot of promise at first with Indy, now a war veteren, being pulled out of the boot of a car and forced to cooperate with evil Russians (taking the place of nazis) in finding a mysterious artifact. The mysterious artifact is a mummified alien with a skeleton of crystal. However as soon as the action sequence that kicks off as soon as this discovery has been made the movie suddenly falls flat with it rushing past anything of interest plot wise. Be it the lack of scenes exploring the emotion Indy has after discovering he is Mutt's father or the lack of history behind the artifacts and aliens. In fact you can not help but believe that the movie could have benefited from being split in to two so as to have more time to go in depth with the complicated sci-fi tale that Spielberg and co were obviously trying to tell. The rushed plot is not helped by the weak script which most notably lacks the razor sharp wit you come to expect out of the Indy series, instead we get a flurry of supposed fan pleasers like Mutt trying to save Indiana from drowning in quick sand by using a snake as rope. And the action sequences were equaly as bad when it comes to being thought out. Escaping a nucular blast would seem like an interesting obstacle to overcome however hiding in a fridge and letting the blast carry you away out of danger seems like a solution you would find in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. The cartoony feel is not helped by the ammount of lackluster CGI in the movie, the notable weak point being the chase through the jungle. However after all the bad points have been mentioned I must point out that this movie does avoid Star Wars syndrome by being cast fairly well and features acting on par with the previous movies. Even Shia LaBeouf delivers a stronger than usual performance as Mutt (but please, for the love of god, don't green light the spin off that was hinted at! I beg of you George Lucas!). Overall Crystal Skull can be summed up with the words half baked. You can't help but feel that if this movie was left in the oven for a little longer and more love was put in to writing the script and maybe even splitting the movie in to two to tell the story better then the movie could have surpassed the previous instalments. However as it is with it's weak visuals, cartoony action sequences and awfull script this movie is barely watchable. Use it to pacify a twelve year old boy but this movie does not feature an appeal to all members of the family like before. 4/10.

Anyway on to less depressing news. I have started on my draft for my SFX short story which, thanks to being pointed out by videogame_king2, was actually idea 6 not idea 3. So I have scrapped 3 and have started again with only a week and a half to go before the closing date. :? And talking of SFX entries I recieved an e-mail from the SFX office asking for my home adress to send my free book to due to getting a letter published in the June 4th issue of the magazine. Although it has ruined the surprise of opening the mag and seeing it there I guess it has saved my street from being torn down by a shocked screech.

Also I got new stuff! Forgive the use of such a word but, w00t! :D My mum gave me £20 pounds the other day to spend on and I decided to get Mercenaries: Playground of destruction and Burnout 3 for my PS2 and more Star Wars related reading material through Republic Commando: True Colors. I'm finding both mercenaries and burnout fun to play at the moment, clocking more hours on the free form fun that is mercenaries though, and I may be inspired enough to write my first two reviews in quite a while soon :D I am also rushing through what I am reading at the moment to read Republic Commando 3 as I absolutely adore the first two.

Anyway I think that is it for this blog post. Thanks for reading!