rety5 / Member

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I went to see VGL!

Yep I went ot see VGL on monday and it was absolutely awesome! The strobe lighting and the cinema screen added a rather video gamey touch to what would have been an amazing event with just the musicians playing the songs. There was allsorts played like Metal Gear solid, Final fantasy, Mario, Pong, they even played the halo 3 trailer with only cortannas voice being pre-recorded! It had humour and competitions galore and I tell you one thing it was an excellant bonding experiance with my mum. what do i mean? Well she laughed at every joke done. When a soldier came on the stageand an exclamation mark appeared over his head when the alert phase song in the MGS segmant was played, my mum burst out in tears laughing and even more so when a cardboard box ran behind him. She even laughed at the gears of war jokes which I barely understood myself! when I came out and asked how she understood the jokes she laughed and said "I watch you play the bloody things enough!" Neither of us shut up aboutthe showon the train home. If you want to listen to a sampler go to and download the Advent Rising track from their upcoming album!

Other news:

I have a beard!:cry: I reached up to my chin this morning as it iched like crazy to find that I had hairs all over it. I nearly screamed like I saw the elzibub himself it scared me that much.

I have the new alex rider book on pre-order! Yes its a kids series but I have been following it ever since I started and I want to see it through to the end as it was also these books that introduced me to the rather addictiveworld of reading.

After much delays I have finally re-wrote chapter two of the imperfect assasin. I am heavily behind schedule now so I have now decided that I am going to write it in time for a christmas 2008 release rather than the spring one I was aiming for.

Anyway I think thats a big enough update on my life and thanks for reading!