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Bleach 390

Okay, I guess some of you are gonna be wondering "What on earth is this dude doing talking about anime and manga rather than games???? After all isn't this" Well you guys are right. But i figure everybody's blogs are gonna be about games so I decided to start a something i hope is new and fresh. For those of you who spend all your time gaming(can't say i blame you) there are other really cool things out there and manga and anime are just some of them. Now bleach is one o the MOST popular anime and manga of the decade. And I'm starting form chapter 390 simply cause its the latest. Now a quick recap: Ichigo came back to the real world form Hueco Mundo some chapters ago so he could kick Aizen butt. But just when we were all wondering what was gonna happen now(since all the espada and tousen are dead) Aizen showed where he stands and where the other captains stand. He completely owned Komamura( not that suprising really) and was owning Hitsugaya. Admittedly this may not have been the most exciting chapter ever, in fact i think Aizen should just retreat and TIte Kubo should just start a new arc. But it helps establish just how weak he 13 captains are compared to Aizen. Honestly I think the naruto chapter was infinately better. But before I sign out I wanna leave you guys(assuming someone is actually reading this) Where are the vast lords, cuz the espada were not vast lords cuz they were owned by captains. And didn't Hitsugaya say that a vast lord was like way way way stringer than a captain. Hmmmmm seems like the espada were just high level adjuchas. Anyhooo, I'll see you guys on friday when the next chapter comes out. Yours noobishly Revanredem