rewiever / Member

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Whats up with the weather?

Ive been living in the UK for 6 years, but I dont think Ill ever get used to the weather here. Early in the morning its either sunny or raining. So while you get up and get ready to live the building theres a radical change outside. You have to carry an umbrella at all times in ure bag, and Im not even kidding. For the past week I have been waking up to the sun and leaving the house in the rain, catch the bus and theres the sun back! The weather is mad. Sort of miss the stable forcasts, if it was sunny in the morning itll stay this way throughout the day and vise versa. 

Probably the person who created umbrellas makes billions in the UK alone. Did you know that wellies are the new Manolo Blahniks here?! Well if you didnt, you surely do now!