Wasn't the same thing said when PS3 used XDR instead of GDDR3 like Xbox 360? Even now they could have used XDR2 and cows would have went nuts.
rexoverbey's forum posts
Technically the 360 Xenos has a better feature set than the RSX. For one it is a shader model 3.5+ compliant part where as the RSX is SM3.0 (one reason you see better shading on 360). It also has 10MB EDRAM with extra logic on the second die. On top of that the memory can be split easier between GPU/CPU. Not to say PS3 doesn't have advantages in other areas e.g. Blu-ray storage and physics....if SPEs are programmed/optimized for it effeciently. Still a lot of developers prefer the full 3-Core Xenon CPU (e.g. John Carmarck)over the 1-Core/7Spe Cell.
Why do I have to do this every Halo thread?
1) Bungie made one of the very firstFPS (Marathon)... so it did innovate. People forget that Marathon (1993)actually came out before the Dooms, Quakes, Half-Lifes, and Unreal tournaments. Only Wolfenstein really beat it out by a few months. A lot of PC users don't remember because of its machintosh roots. Just like Halo:CE was going to Apple until Microsoft bought out Bungie. Plus Marathon was the first to have dual weilding, real-time voice chat, AI fighting along-side you instead of being lone-gunner, full physics egine, and many other features common place in FPS now.
My first console was the TRS-80 with tape back, and then received an Atari 2600. My parents had some old system that had only pong on it. I remember having my Atari and wishing I had a Nintendo in the mid 80s. Alot of great gaming memories on the Atari. MS Pac-man, donkey kong, defender, missle command, frogger, pit-fall, river raid, centipede, pole position, etc. Did anyone remember the Chuck Norris/Haunted house double sided Atari catridge? Plus the paddle sticks were great for racing games, I wish they still had controllers like that. Great memories.
Add the iPhone 3G S into the equation and you have all the phone +ipod features. Also the 3G S has a faster 625mhz A8 Arm11 processor and the PowerVR SGX stomps the Media Engine in the PSP.For one it supports Pixel Shaders and Per Pixel Lighting that the PSP does not. You are talking OpenGL 2.0 and DX9 SM3.0 support here. Once the 3G S games start to come bye bye PSP. Plus the iPhone and iPod touch games are compatible with each other. With both having over 50 million units sold and 35,000+ games. There is a reason why PSP GO and DSi is copying the iPhone apps model just as are all smartphone manufaturers. Plus that is not counting the dedicated VPU, multi-touch screen, adhoc bluetooth and wifi multiplayer, accelerometers, and 3rd party USB controller support we are going to now see after OS3.0 .Also the3G S has 256MBRAM vs the 32/64MB in the PSP.
This is real scientific in system wars. The fanboys are going to say 6 RROD even if they don't have a system.
Huxley Xbox 360 120vs matches and uses the unreal engine 3.0 and will look better than Mag. End of thread.
For all the people saying the OS would be $0 because of Unbuntu.... I want to see one user on here running Crysis on Unbuntu.
The usual....
Faster GPU/CPU maybe multicore GPU, more/faster ram, bigger HDD, gigabit ethernet, wireless N with adhoc support, faster blu-ray,regular controller and motion controller, keyboard/mouse support,dual HDMI 32:9 like Sony Promised, bluetooth, dvr support, HD digital ATSC tuner (with DVR support), more USB ports, card readers, no power bricks, liquid cooled heatsinks like microsoft promised, and true 3d support.
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