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halo boon

Thank you game spot for ruining my day.When i logged on i couldnt help but notice that halo3 fly the flag banner thing

few things i hate more than the overrated garbage that is HALO as if hearing friends talking bout it all day at school wasnt enough.

Apart from actual HALO what i hate even more are the hardcore HALO fanboys who talk bout it like it was something that revolutionised gaming.not!!

the singleplayer is a seires of repeated levels ,hate the level in the alien spaceship???get used to it ,son cause thats where half the game takes place and the online mode aint so fun,it does bodder on average/little bit better than average but it aint no battlefield 2.pathetic player limit there is nothing special bout halothough i dont kno why some people get so excited bout the vehicle [normal person after seeing ingame warthog]

normal person:big deal,seen better vehicles in every other game

HALO loving person:yippee!! a warthog(jumps up and down insanely fast and backflips)

uwe boll

   this man has got to be the worst director ever,he ruins everything he touches.Bloodrayne.destroyed.Alone in the dark.decimated.I swear one of these days I'm gonna take him up on his offer and knock him on his very,very untalented  a$$.
                  I would give Bloodrayne a 1/10 and that 1 is only because of the topless scene.Alone in the dark sucked so much .Tara Reid actually looked like a top-notch actress (she got a golden globe nomination and a Oscar was being considered-but when whoever was in charge realised this was only because the movie bites (-in typical Uwe boll fashion) the nomination was withdrawn and Reid went back to giving nippleslips for a living.
                    I dont know if Boll directed any other movies-hopefully not as if the atrocities he has comitted against the gaming/movie community wasnt bad enough.Someone should hang this guy by the family jewels and b****-slap some sense into him.I just got a question for anyone willing to answer.How is Uwe boll still financially able to make movies after his movies havent received much love from critics/fans and the box office!!!

superman vs supersaiyan part1

         While surfing the web I came across a forum that was obviously set up by a die-hard DC comics fan.In it he made a match "the iconic"man of steel (thatd be superman) vs "the superman rip-off" Goku.
         Needless to say him and his gay DC friends totally slammed Goku.They went on about how 1)Superman had superior strength
2)Superman was faster than a speeding bullet so somehow "by default"that made him faster than Goku 3)He had more moves and 4)he had "more experience"
         OK,now I in my own 100% unbiased view will try and correct them .OK first of all they say that Superman has superior strength .In the DC comics Superman had a hard time lifting 40tons but in the anime Goku lifts 40tons like it was nothing (I think it was in the episode called The new super saiyan)
           On to no2 the DC fanboys forever referenced those famous words "faster than a speeding bullet".Go and eat dick you stupid a******s .You obviously have not watched an episode of DBZ.Cause maybe if you took your head out of your a$$ long enough youll notice that Goku has a move called I-N-S-T-A-N-T- T-R-A-N-S-M-I-S-S-I-O-N
Incase you couldnt derive the use of the ability from the name.It is used to teleport Goku instantly anywhere!!Which means he moves at faster than the speed of light and a hell of a lot faster than a normal bullet or one on steroids!!
                Now to no.3 which was the most pathetic reasonig they gave in support of there homeboy.Geez Goku has waayyy more moves and they are all more powerfull then anything the man of steel could come up with (and i mean his lame icy breath and laser from the eyes moves)
                No.4 I wont even waste time on this DC Lame'os
so who cares if superman has been "kicking ass sine 1930"
that just makes him...................OLD!!!I think superman is outdated .I guess men wearing tight blue suits and donning there underwear over there suits just doesnt do it for me anymore!!
                   In my next blog i will explain (in detail and in my 100% unbiased view) how the would have really gone from there moment where Superman flies at superspeeds at Goku but catches nothing but thin air or when Goku teleports behinds Superman and makes confetti out of him.
                   To when Superman is incinerated by the kamehameha ,or the spirit bomb or as a middle finger when Goku finishes it all by cutting Superman in half (while emmiting the ki from hs eyes!!!)

loz rulz

I just revisited THE GREATEST GAME ever.
LOZ ocarina of time .I havent played The new one but c'mon can anything be better than ocarina of time??
Majoras mask was a MAJOR disappointment coz it sucks a@$ because u always have to play the song of time.That is the worst thing u could do to a adventure game.
Windwaker suckd(nah,it wasnt that bad)it only sucked because of the manga like graphics.
I look forward to getting my Wii(yeah it hasnt come hear yet)possibly coz people are scared the millitary **** are gonna shoot them.
Thts all for now

every game for every console...a new record

Everone here in F1J1 is holding their breath because their probably is gonna be another coup(which will make it 2 coups in less than 7 years)
           So im just relaxing at home I dont giv a F***  about the sh** thats going down right now.If a coups gonna happen I'll probably go downtown tomorrow.
           And loot some shops,finally ill get 100+ games for every console I have.

dbz rant 2_the gotenk theory

Dragonball GT is the lamest out of the three in the dragonball series.Not only is it hopelessly flawed with plotholes galore.
  But its kind of disappointing how some of the characters have turned out( Gohans a nerd,Trunks heads the capsule corp,Goten who was probably the character with the most potentiol has nothing better to do then chase girls,But then he is a teen....still)
    What also sucks is how my favourite DB character of all time Gotenks didnt make an appearance.Instead of Gotenks they put in the emotionless,robot himself...Gogeta ,who didnt really make himself usefull against Shenron
   I guess Gotenks wouldnt have been usefull either.Since Goten and Trunks had hardly trained since DBZ.Im just curious to how he would have turned out.
 But  maybe it was  better if he hadnt appeared at all  since he would have inherited Goten's new like for the ladies and Trunks go get it attitude.He may have become a rapist!!!

dbz rant part 1

Ive been a DBZ fan for sometime now .Its a great series it has action,tons of characters,.Everything is good but one thing i hate is how funimation loves to rip off dragonballz fans.
One dvd contains only 3 episodes ,whereas almost every other tv series that has ever been aired anywhere in the world.Maybe that wouldnt sting so much if there were extras in the DVDS thats right they dont even have extras (A few have an extra episode)

That funimation puts in as a middle finger to the fans.SUCKAS.

Love to continue but I gotta get some sleep..............