While surfing the web I came across a forum that was obviously set up by a die-hard DC comics fan.In it he made a match "the iconic"man of steel (thatd be superman) vs "the superman rip-off" Goku.
Needless to say him and his gay DC friends totally slammed Goku.They went on about how 1)Superman had superior strength
2)Superman was faster than a speeding bullet so somehow "by default"that made him faster than Goku 3)He had more moves and 4)he had "more experience"
OK,now I in my own 100% unbiased view will try and correct them .OK first of all they say that Superman has superior strength .In the DC comics Superman had a hard time lifting 40tons but in the anime Goku lifts 40tons like it was nothing (I think it was in the episode called The new super saiyan)
On to no2 the DC fanboys forever referenced those famous words "faster than a speeding bullet".Go and eat dick you stupid a******s .You obviously have not watched an episode of DBZ.Cause maybe if you took your head out of your a$$ long enough youll notice that Goku has a move called I-N-S-T-A-N-T- T-R-A-N-S-M-I-S-S-I-O-N
Incase you couldnt derive the use of the ability from the name.It is used to teleport Goku instantly anywhere!!Which means he moves at faster than the speed of light and a hell of a lot faster than a normal bullet or one on steroids!!
Now to no.3 which was the most pathetic reasonig they gave in support of there homeboy.Geez Goku has waayyy more moves and they are all more powerfull then anything the man of steel could come up with (and i mean his lame icy breath and laser from the eyes moves)
No.4 I wont even waste time on this DC Lame'os
so who cares if superman has been "kicking ass sine 1930"
that just makes him...................OLD!!!I think superman is outdated .I guess men wearing tight blue suits and donning there underwear over there suits just doesnt do it for me anymore!!
In my next blog i will explain (in detail and in my 100% unbiased view) how the would have really gone from there moment where Superman flies at superspeeds at Goku but catches nothing but thin air or when Goku teleports behinds Superman and makes confetti out of him.
To when Superman is incinerated by the kamehameha ,or the spirit bomb or as a middle finger when Goku finishes it all by cutting Superman in half (while emmiting the ki from hs eyes!!!)
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