reyace / Member

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Heck yess!!! game coming up soon....who wouldnt want to buy it!?

Im pretty sure that most of u guys already know,that marvel vs capcom 3 is coming out next year spring!IM so excited! whos with me?! :DIf u have been watching updates of this game,it actually looks alot better then the other ones in the series...o and i know this is a stupid question, but is this game gonna be like hard copy go to the store and buy kinda thing?or is this gonna be another one of those downloadable games for xbox marketplaceand psn shop?If u guys findout or already know,please let me know. The last time i thought a game was hard copy,i went to the store and made myself look like a fool cause the guy told me u had to do it over marketplace/psn shop so.....