reyace / Member

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Two complicated decisions......

Well as well all know, Sonic Generations is coming out in November and MW3 is also coming out in November. Now that question is......WHICH ONE SHOULD I GET?????Both these games(to me) look superbly amazing but i can only choose one unfourtunantley :( Sonic Generations looks so amazing with its graphics and the fact that you get to pick as classic or modern sonic and the fact you get to visit some past levels from other games is just mind blowing:shock: As for MW3, it will also be amazing. With more of its perks(thinking so) and new weopons and the graphics are simply amazing. Right now, Im going towards more of Sonic Generations, but i need all of your opinions. So please comment and i will eventually make my choice of game :D thank you and enjoy the rest of the summer..Peace out :)