Hello Again Everyone!
Thanks for reading my blog.first off I wanted to say that I bought a PS Move yesterday and though I don't have any move games still I'm really excited!I played a lot of Heavy Rain in this week and went for the Plantium and even though I finished the game 8 times I still haven't got Perfect Crime and All Endings Trophy but that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about choices. Our life is built by choices. We make choices and face the consequences and sometimes these consequences can be sever.A Game like Heavy Rain wanted to get the feel of this choices and it mostly succeded.Be warned this blog is about the choices you make in games like HR and LA Noire so if you're sensitive to spoilers don't continiue reading.
These choices are the reasons that make these games excellent.For example if you die in HR there is no Game Over...Your character will simply die and will be exited from the story and this factor is one of the reasons that make it superb and at the same time unplayable for some people because it captures the dusturbing parts of choices. Or in another parts of HR you have to complete trials that the killer has been set for you to findetan's son these trialsare very darkand difficult , from cutting your finger to moving through a tunnel for full of broken glasses. You can give up in these trials but are you ready to face the consequences?
Or choices in LA Noire even though they're very less disturbing than HR but canmake bad endings.
At the end this things make the games better and lot more emotional than movies.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to post a comment.