I'm planing on using my stimulus payment check to simulate my game collection. I'm planing on getting CoD4 (no I don't have it yet ) and MGS4 and I want a new system also. But I can't decide weather to get an Xbox 360 or a PSP to compliment my PS3. The 360 has a bunch of good games but with the PSN store and the fact that i can watch my movies on my PS3 on the go is a big plus for the PSP. Oh well, guess I'll figure it out soon enough
rg420 Blog
How do you claissify a hardcore gamer?
by rg420 on Comments
I've been playing Video games for quite some time. That's my main hobby after drawing, reading, watching movies, ect.... I've been playing since the Atari 2600. I have had a lot of systems and am a collector. I always hear about hardcore gamers. I wanna know how hardcore are you? Here's a few of my most memorable gameing moments and see if i qualify.
Once I cut school to play my brand new Mario Brothers game for the 5200. My parents were both at work all day and weren't expected till late so every thing as cool. As I got used to the game I wanted to get the highest score witch i hoped to be a million cause it only had 6 digits only to flip the score back to 000135 or so before i died. I fliped the score 3 times that day, twice in 1 game. And that's with no pause button. I played all day and didn't hear my mom coming home early before school let out. She ubruptly thew my Atari into the trash after stomping on it and cutting the cords. I had a new Atari the next week.
When I was 16 I had my 1st job working on a farm. I got paid $200 a week under the table. One week I asked my mom on my off day to drive me to the mall, which was 10 miles away, so I could hit the arcade. Where I sent every penny of it, well every quarter of it. As I walked out of the mall I found a $100 bill laying on the ground. At least I kept enuff of THAT for a cab home.
I went though 4 PS2's in 2 years. Overheated every one of them.
October 30th 0f 04 I was playing my brand new copy of GTA:SA and was waiting for my wife to get home with our new baby (she left while I was asleep to surprize me when she got home). Our daughter was born 2 months premature and had some stomach and apnea problems and had to wear a heart monitor. Of courseI stopped when they came home. But that night after bringing our baby girl home from the hospital her monitor went off while I was playing. I paused my game to check on her and found she had stopped breathing. As my wife went to call 911 i did CPR. I had her breathing again before the ambulance got there. My wife rode with her to the hospital. At the time our car was broke down and had no ride so I went back in and unpaused my game and played another hour and a half before my sister in law came to take me there as well.
That's just a few and I don't wanna rattle on too much. So what you think, am I hard core or just nuts? :roll:
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